Freelance Photographer Says He Was Fired by NYT Over Support for Palestinian Resistance

“What is taking place is a systematic effort to distort the image of Palestinian journalists as being incapable of trustworthiness and integrity, simply because we cover the human rights violations that the Palestinian people undergo on a daily basis at hands of the Israeli army.”

Freelance Photographer Says He Was Fired by NYT Over Support for Palestinian Resistance

Biden Details New $625 Million Arms Package for Ukraine in Zelensky Call

Biden Details New $625 Million Arms Package for Ukraine in Zelensky Call

The new $625 million package is being provided through the presidential drawdown authority, which allows Biden to send arms to Ukraine directly from US military stockpiles. A stopgap funding bill President Biden signed into law last week included $3.7 billion for this authority. It also included $12.3 billion for other military and economic aid for Ukraine, bringing total US spending on the war to about $67.5 billion, a number that’s higher than Russia’s entire military budget for 2021.

OPEC+ To Cut Oil Production By 2 Million Barrels Per Day

OPEC+ To Cut Oil Production By 2 Million Barrels Per Day

The specter of OPEC+ even considering such a large cut as global oil supplies are tight has sent the Biden Administration reeling. White House spokesman John Kirby on Wednesday said that the United States needed to be less dependent on OPEC+ and other foreign producers of oil. The White House was reportedly in a panic leading up to the meeting, trying to prevent OPEC+ from taking such a “hostile act”. In the runup to the meeting, the White House unleashed Amos Hochstein, Janet Yellen, and Brett McGurk to plead its case with the Gulf Nations. Evidence suggests the move had zero effect.


White House Disappointed With OPEC’s ‘Shortsighted’ Decision

In the meantime, the American Petroleum Institute (API) has criticized the administration’s energy policies, saying that dependence on OPEC and other foreign countries for our energy is a “choice”.