“Nobody Cares About Ukraine” Admits NATO Advisor

Oct 7, 2022 During a recent interview Swiss diplomat and former NATO advisor Jacques Baud acknowledged that, in his words, “nobody cares about Ukraine,” tacitly admitting that the West is not assisting in the war to support Ukrainian sovereignty or minimize the suffering of the Ukrainian people. No, Ukraine is merely a patsy and its people are providing cannon fodder in the proxy war NATO is waging to undermine and marginalize Russia – just as critics have argued all along.

Jimmy and his panel of Pushback host Aaron Maté and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss why the truth about the Ukraine War is kept from the western audiences whose tax dollars are funding it.

“Nobody Cares About Ukraine” Admits NATO Advisor

Project Veritas Ruling Endangers Journalism

H/T: Hard Lens Media


Project Veritas loses jury verdict to Democratic consulting firm

Jury Rules Project Veritas Violated Wiretapping Laws and Fraudulently Misrepresented Themselves

[Allison] Maas reportedly joined Democracy Partners as part of an unpaid internship using a fake name and a fabricated resume. That act of subterfuge, according to the jury, “amounted to fraudulent misrepresentation,” according to Politico.

Personally, this doesn’t look like a First Amendment case. It looks like a case of resume fraud. 🤷🏼‍♀️