Belarus opposition leader says her people ‘are ready to fight for our country’

Speaking to DW, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya said she believed that a Russia weakened by the Ukraine war offers pro-democracy Belarusians an opportunity – as long as the international community does not abandon them.Belarus’ opposition leader Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya fled to Lithuania after Russian ally Alexander Lukashenko claimed victory in a disputed 2020 election that was viewed in the West as fraudulent, and which many thought she won.

Belarus opposition leader says her people ‘are ready to fight for our country’


Belarus Targeted for Regime Change…Again

US Writes Belarus into Its Familiar Regime-Change Script

How U.S. and UK Information-Warfare Fronts Ignited Anti-Government Protests in Belarus

United Transitional Cabinet of Belarus = parallel government. – #198 from Gene Sharp’s “198 METHODS OF NONVIOLENT ACTION”

Republicans Plan Debt Crisis to Force Cuts to Medicare, Social Security

The November elections will likely give Republicans control of the House of Representatives as a platform from which to oppose the Democratic-controlled White House. And one thing Republicans will do with this power, in all probability, will be to try to provoke a crisis in order to extort Democrats into accepting spending cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.

Republicans Plan Debt Crisis to Force Cuts to Medicare, Social Security

How family friendly!? Just throw Granny to the street! /s

If Musk Completes His Twitter Takeover, His Fans Might Want To Start Supporting Section 230

At this point, it seems exceptionally likely that Elon Musk will own Twitter within a few weeks. Because nothing is predictable in this saga, you never know, but the odds are that by Halloween Twitter will be Muskville. We’ll have plenty of time to talk about what that means, but in our post about Musk’s abrupt about-face, we joked that the takeover might come just in time for the Supreme Court to hold Twitter liable for any terrorist organizations who use the site and then go kill people in terrorist attacks.

If Musk Completes His Twitter Takeover, His Fans Might Want To Start Supporting Section 230

NATO to hold nuclear exercise despite warnings from Russia

Warnings? Not threats? Of course Russia didn’t threaten. And did in fact warn…

Threats are general. Warnings are specific

Russia warned if nukes were used against the nation, that is if Russia were attacked and not the other way around their would be a response.

Russia warned. So what does NATO opt to do?

NATO to hold nuclear exercise despite warnings from Russia

False flag?!


Norway Terror Attacks a False Flag: More Than One Shooter on Island; Oslo Police Drilled Bomb Blasts; Was It NATO’s Revenge for Norway’s Decision to Stop Bombing Libya?

Eleven Years Ago: The London 7/7 Mock Terror Drill: What Relationship to the Real Time Terror Attacks?


United States government operations and exercises on September 11, 2001

White House Leaves Door Open For Additional SPR Releases + It’s Implications

The White House said on Tuesday that it has many options to counteract OPEC+’s looming production cuts, including the release of even more crude oil from the nation’s Strategic Petroleum Reserves.

White House Leaves Door Open For Additional SPR Releases


The Implications Of U.S. SPR Withdrawals

Implications of OPEC-+ Production Cut 

I think OPEC has not learned from its past mistakes, as it is not a good time to cut oil production by 2 million bpd in November 2022, especially at a time when global economies are under pressure. While higher oil prices at this juncture may bring much needed oil revenues to (national) oil companies and OPEC members, this will come at the cost of accelerating a global recession, bringing more misery to consumers. Consequently, it will weaken global oil demand and oil prices. Oil prices in the range of $70-$80/bbls at this difficult time could be a win-win situation for both producers and consumers, and shield global economies from collapsing. Consequently, the U.S. should take its own measures to enhance its domestic oil production, encourage EVs and halt further releases of the SPR. Running down the SPR will allow OPEC+ more flexibility to play around with production.


U.S. Rig Count Slides Amid Jump In Crude Prices

Sakhalin 1 important for Japan oil procurement: Russia takes control of Sakhalin 1 oil and gas project

Tokyo, Oct. 9 (BNA): Japanese Trade Minister Yasutoshi Nishimura said on Sunday that the Sakhalin 1 oil and gas project in Russia is very important for Tokyo to ensure its diversified crude oil procurement.

Sakhalin 1 important for Japan oil procurement


Published: 10-11-2022

Russian authorities have temporarily re-nationalised the foreign-led Sakhalin 1 oil and gas project in the country’s far east, as pressure grows to resume production from the development.

Russia takes control of Sakhalin 1 oil and gas project