The CIA Asset That Funded The Oklahoma City Bombing

The following is an excerpt from a longer piece in preparation describing the involvement of several individuals with known or alleged ties to the Central Intelligence Agency in the Oklahoma City bombing, the deadliest domestic terror attack in United States history. In the sanctioned version of events, easily found on e.g. Wikipedia, US Army veterans Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, whipped into anti-government rage by the massacres at Ruby Ridge and Waco, constructed a large truck bomb with no significant help from any other individuals and detonated it outside the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19th, 1995, killing at least 168 people. This narrative is patently false; others were clearly involved in the bombing, a fact that was confirmed in no uncertain terms by both Terry Nichols and Tim McVeigh multiple times to multiple people. In this excerpt, I explore the story of Roger Moore, an especially interesting character who both Nichols and McVeigh have suggested played a much larger role in the events leading up to the Oklahoma City bombing than is publicly acknowledged.

The CIA Asset That Funded The Oklahoma City Bombing

H/T: 10/7/22 Boltzmann Booty on the CIA Asset who Funded the OKC Bombing

Related: FBI Infiltration of Right-Wing Groups (PATCON, ETC)

New ‘Tank Man’ Takes Down the CCP…

Oct 16, 2022 – Last week someone put a banner in prominent location in Beijing and lit some gasoline to attract police and firefighters. Is that a student protest inspired by protests in Hong Kong? Or rather a protest planned by the same people who also instructed and paid some of the students in Hong Kong? Or is it an CPC-internal intrigue even? Hear my analysis and let me know what you think.

Who is behind that protest banner in Beijing? via Harald in China

…or maybe not, but the MSM hoped it would.


Tiananmen Square

Explained: How Americans In Chinese Tech Firms Might Have To Choose Between US Citizenship And Job

Under the latest US technology export rules, US citizens working in Chinese firms might face a tough choice — quit their jobs or risk losing US citizenship.

Explained: How Americans In Chinese Tech Firms Might Have To Choose Between US Citizenship And Job

H/T: Simply put, Biden forced all Americans working in China to choose between being fired or losing their American citizenship from Der Friedensstifter/The Peacemaker

Sounds like a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment’s Citizenship Clause.

Elon Musk says Starlink will keep funding Ukraine’s government ‘for free’ despite losing money

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk reversed his decision to stop funding the Starlink terminals sent to Ukraine, saying on Twitter that the company will continue to provide “free” satellite internet service to the government even if it means the company loses money.

Elon Musk says Starlink will keep funding Ukraine’s government ‘for free’ despite losing money