Peter Thiel’s midterm bet: the billionaire seeking to disrupt America’s democracy

Re-energized this election cycle, the tech entrepreneur joins other mega-donors apparently out to undercut the political system

Peter Thiel’s midterm bet: the billionaire seeking to disrupt America’s democracy


The Right’s Would-Be Kingmaker (archived, as it’s behind a paywall)

Anti-Globalist?! He invests in businesses, worldwide!? I doubt that it would be possible without globalization! 🤷🏼‍♀️

Canadian, US Warplanes Land In Haiti With Military Equipment; Locals Warn Of ‘Foreign Invasion’

Haiti, the most impoverished country in the Americas, has erupted in political unrest, with reports in western media suggesting that a criminal coalition is obstructing the distribution of gasoline and diesel.

Canadian, US Warplanes Land In Haiti With Military Equipment; Locals Warn Of ‘Foreign Invasion’


Video: Haitians Demonstrating Against Henry, US-Canadian ‘Invasion’ Ignored by Western Media

Strikes & protests in France (and demonstrations in the US)

Strikes grow as Macron postpones threat to crush French refinery strike


French left-wing parties gather protesters to march in Paris, as refinery strikes persist

The French call for NATO exit

MSM was all over the cost of living protests but nothing about the Anti-NATO protests. Videos have emerged of police repression in Paris (at which protest, I’m unsure). Meanwhile, in the US, the Poor People’s Campaign, and allies, held multiple demonstrations to get out the vote (which were mainly covered by local news).

The SPD and Greens seek to gag rock musician Roger Waters and silence criticism of NATO’s war in Ukraine

Members of the Munich city council, a coalition of the SPD and the Green Party, are seeking to prevent Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters from performing his This Is Not a Drill show at the city-owned Olympiahalle on May 21, 2023. Advance sales for the concert have already begun.

The SPD and Greens seek to gag rock musician Roger Waters and silence criticism of NATO’s war in Ukraine