A judge sentenced Steve Bannon to 4 months in prison but let him remain free while he appeals his conviction

A federal judge on Friday sentenced Steve Bannon to four months in prison but allowed the Trump ally to remain free while he appeals his criminal conviction on charges he defied the House committee investigating the January 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol.

A judge sentenced Steve Bannon to 4 months in prison but let him remain free while he appeals his conviction

H/T: Trump-appointed Judge Carl Nichols refuses to send Steve Bannon to prison for his crimes

What is Behind the Growing US-China Crisis Over Taiwan?

Oct 21, 2022 – As the US wages proxy war against Russia through Ukraine, it is attempting the same process through Taiwan against China.

However, there are some major differences that make America’s hostility and encroachment on China even more dangerous including the fact that even Washington, officially, recognizes Taiwan as part of China while openly arming Taipei’s administration, encouraging separatism, and even placing US troops on what is internationally recognized as Chinese territory.

Besides military tensions, economic tensions continue to grow as China is positioned to surpass the collective West economically. The US has responded with growing lists of sanctions and coercive policies targeting not only China but Washington’s own supposed “allies.”

The Chip 4 Alliance seeks to assert US hegemony over the global semiconductor industry but is instead producing a similar backfiring effect as US and EU sanctions on Russian energy exports.

What is Behind the Growing US-China Crisis Over Taiwan? (Odysee) via The New Atlas