US boots in Ukraine ?


For liberation of Russian-speaking Donbass, that the Ukrainian forces were shelling since 2014, demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine, Russia has started on February 24, 2022, a special military operation. The New York Times stressed it on June 25, Western boots are on the ground since 2014, special operation forces, instructors, intelligence officers. And my assertion is that Western operatives, especially French ones, were even taken prisoners in May, in Mariupol. But I am wondering about line troops

US boots in Ukraine ?


US could directly intervene in Ukraine – ex-CIA chief

Fact Check: Is Biden Administration Funding Drag Shows in Ecuador?

Fact Check: Is Biden Administration Funding Drag Shows in Ecuador?

A Fox News Digital article published on Wednesday reported that the U.S. Department of State is “funding ‘drag theater performances’ in Ecuador to ‘promote diversity and inclusion'” in the region by awarding a $20,600 grant to a non-profit supported by the U.S. Embassy and Consulate in Ecuador.

Last time that I heard about the US promoting LGBTQ+ rights (pinkwashing), in another country, was when Luna Oil suspected that the US was sponsoring a color revolution in Vietnam. I remember a couple of years ago, the US Embassy in Tlsabi, and Open Society Foundations, were pushing gay pride parades in the country of Georgia (the majority of the people are Orthodox Christian). It’s been documented, In the past, that the USAID has partnered with OSF on pushing cultural issues. Ecuador seems to have good relations with Russia and China. Could the US be trying to overthrow Guillermo Lasso?! 🤷🏼‍♀️

Pentagon Warns Chinese Landmass Could Break Off And Zoom Across The Ocean To Get Us

ARLINGTON, VA—Stating that America’s top rival on the global stage now had the ability to carry out such an attack, Pentagon officials warned this week that the entirety of China’s landmass could break off and zoom across the ocean to get us. “Advancements in Chinese military technology have reached a point where the whole country could just snap apart along the 14,000-mile border and careen at high speeds through the waters of the North Pacific Ocean, slamming right into the United States,” said Ely Rantner, assistant secretary of defense for Indo-Pacific security affairs, adding that the 3.7 million square miles of land carrying all 1.4 billion people residents of China would whiz in a straight line toward the U.S. mainland, completely bulldozing Hawaii on its path to strike the West Coast. “With that much land zipping over the ocean, China could easily bank off Japan or the Philippines and use the subsequent momentum to propel all of its weight right into us. Our intelligence indicates that the impact of smacking that hard into the United States would cause China to flip through the air and land with a devastating thud directly on top of our nation, flattening all 330 American citizens.” At press time, Congress had passed a bill giving the Defense Department $500 billion to build a national defensive hydraulic system that would lift the United States so high in the air that an enemy landmass attempting to barrel into it would instead glide right underneath.

Pentagon Warns Chinese Landmass Could Break Off And Zoom Across The Ocean To Get Us