U.S. Officials Had a Secret Oil Deal With the Saudis. Or So They Thought.

After Saudi leaders pushed to slash oil production despite a visit by President Biden, administration officials have been left fuming that they were duped.

“I keep listening to, ‘Are you with us or against us?’ Is there any room for, ‘We are for Saudi Arabia and the people of Saudi Arabia’?” he said. “We will have to deliver our ambitions.”

U.S. Officials Had a Secret Oil Deal With the Saudis. Or So They Thought.

Biden Orders Progressives to Denounce Themselves on Ukraine

Biden Orders Progressives to Denounce Themselves on Ukraine

Congressional “progressives” are cowards and charlatans. They may actually believe in some of what they claim to espouse but at the end of the day they are more opportunistic than anything else. They have carved out a niche for themselves in certain parts of the country where voters are in fact progressive and want to see their political ideology put into practice. But good luck ever seeing that when the leader of the Congressional Progressive Caucus makes a fool of herself and her members when they didn’t have the courage of their very slim convictions.

According to Ryan Grim, Kevin McCarthy didn’t say that he would stop funding Ukraine. He was basically referring to his voters.

Open Letter on Haiti Intervention to ALBA Secretary General Sacha Llorenti

Haitians are in the streets against puppet governments, harsh austerity measures, poverty and neglect, and decades of foreign coups and invasions. Stop the new US led re-invasion and occupation of Haiti!

Send an email to US and UN Authorities to demand NO FOREIGN INVASION IN HAITI!!!

Open Letter on Haiti Intervention to ALBA Secretary General Sacha Llorenti


The US is ushering a new foreign policy doctrine through “The Global Fragility Act.” We need to not only understand these new forms of imperial practice, but to also see the cunning use of language in the service of US imperialism.

Prologue: The Global Fragility Act, April 2022

10/22/22 Patrick MacFarlane on the Populist Right’s Taiwan Hypocrisy

Disclaimer: The views expressed herein are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of Ms. Cat’s Chronicles.

Scott is joined by Patrick MacFarlane, the Justin Raimondo Fellow at the Libertarian Institute, to discuss an article he wrote recently as well as the new direction he’s taking his podcast Vital Dissent. Scott and MacFarlane first dig into the growing tension between Washington and Beijing over Taiwan’s sovereignty. MacFarlane points out that some of the best opposition to both the policies that provoked Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and NATO’s subsequent response is from populist right-wingers. But those very same people throw all their logic out the window when the topic turns from Russia to China.

Discussed on the show:

Nothing But Welfare Queens: American Aid to Zelensky and Tsai Ing-wen

Vital Dissent

10/22/22 Patrick MacFarlane on the Populist Right’s Taiwan Hypocrisy

U.S. Accelerates Three-Tier Plan To Reduce Oil Prices

U.S. President Biden has three key strategies in place to lower oil prices.

– The first and foremost strategy is the implementation of the NOPEC bill.

– The second pillar of the plan is to release more crude from the U.S. SPR.

– The third element of the plan to bring oil prices down is to be a concerted effort to encourage U.S. oil firms, shale or otherwise, to increase their production.

U.S. Accelerates Three-Tier Plan To Reduce Oil Prices