Woke imperialism: the tactic liberals are using to try to delay revolution in the imperial center

Democratic Party infiltrators are at this moment the biggest threat to the communist movement in the USA. Conversely, the pro-NATO psyop is the largest propaganda operation happening at present. The great priority of our ruling class as of now is to maintain imperial hegemony, which they’re trying to do by using Ukraine as a cudgel to destabilize Eurasia. They’re sacrificing the U.S. economy’s stability, as well as the stability of Europe’s, in order to make their geopolitical ploy in Ukraine pay off.

Woke imperialism: the tactic liberals are using to try to delay revolution in the imperial center

Pakistan Suggests Killing Of Journalist In Kenya Was Targeted

Pakistan says evidence suggests the shooting of a prominent Pakistani journalist who was living in Kenya may have been an assassination as media watchdog Reporters Without Borders called for an independent United Nations probe into the incident.

Pakistan Suggests Killing Of Journalist In Kenya Was Targeted

H/T: Imran Khan


This famous journalist’s suspicious death in Kenya by a sniper shot to the head, which came shortly after he announced the upcoming release of an anti-corruption documentary exposing his country’s US-backed post-modern coup regime, might prove to be a tipping point in Pakistan’s political crisis.

Was Arshad Sharif Assassinated By Pakistan’s US-Backed Post-Modern Coup Regime?

Who killed Arshad Sharif? 5 questions that raise suspicions of the involvement of powers beyond the Kenyan police.

Ukraine risks being locked into endless war in bid for perfect peace

Ukraine risks being locked into endless war in bid for perfect peace

Ordinary Ukrainians on the front lines are divided on a ceasefire and negotiations. My Ukrainian colleague Karina Korostelina and I surveyed the attitudes of both residents and displaced persons in three Ukrainian cities close to the southeast battlefields this summer. Almost half agreed it was imperative to seek a ceasefire to stop Russians killing Ukraine’s young men. Slightly more supported negotiations with Russia on a complete ceasefire, with a quarter totally against and a fifth declaring themselves neutral. Respondents were torn when considering whether saving lives or territorial unity were more important to them. Those most touched by the war, namely the internally displaced, were more likely to prioritise saving lives. Other research reveals that those farthest from the battlefields have the most hawkish attitudes.

H/T: Truthteller CLARE DALY on the LiveLine!

One-sided reporting, obviously, but interesting statistics.