Lukashenko mocks outgoing McDonald’s: Can’t we cut open a bun and shove meat and veggie inside?

Nov 20, 2022

Belarusian president Alexander Lukashenko ridiculed McDonald’s on Friday, after the company announced it would be replaced by a Russian franchise following its departure over the Ukraine conflict.

“Why, can’t we cut a bun in half and shove a piece of meat, potatoes and salad in between? God, who even consumes this? I don’t know.” He said.

Starting Tuesday, McDonald’s in Belarus will operate under the brand ‘Vkusno i tochka’, or ‘Tasty and That’s It’, the Russian chain that took over the U.S. burger group in Russia in June.

Lukashenko mocks outgoing McDonald’s: Can’t we cut open a bun and shove meat and veggie inside?


Lukashenko on McDonald’s leaving Belarus: ‘Good riddance,’ ‘we know how to cut a bun in half’