Twitter Files, Laptopgate, & Ukrainegate go back to the Euromaidan (at least)

Yes, the New York Post story was censored but the story itself wasn’t anything new to me. They may have ‘revealed’ Hunter’s ties to Burisma but they never dug deeper, as to why he was working for them, nor did they reveal that the US government overthrew a democratically-elected government! A Republican-controlled House may investigate it, but they won’t reveal the true reason, because then they’d be implicating themselves (it was a bipartisan venture)! If anything, they’ll make a big deal of Hunter’s dealings with a now-defunct Chinese company to feed into the China-threat hype and provoke another proxy war! Who wins?! The Military Industrial Complex!

Zerohedge: Elon Musk Releases THE TWITTER FILES: How Twitter Collaborated With “The Biden Team” To Cover Up The Hunter Laptop Story

Finally, it will be very interesting to see which “independent”, “impartial” and “objective” members of the Mainstream Media cover the Twitter Files, which unlike all that Russia collusion bullshit, was a real and actionable attempt to interfere with US democracy by covering up one of the most explosive political stories of a generation, not to mention an event that would have swayed the 2020 presidential election.


Forbes: Musk’s ‘Twitter Files’: Internal Hunter Biden Debate Revealed With Much Hype But No Bombshells

Axios: Musk’s “Twitter Files” spotlights Hunter Biden story ban

Politico: ‘This will be awesome’: Musk leaks Twitter’s Hunter Biden files

CNN: Released Twitter emails show how employees debated how to handle 2020 New York Post Hunter Biden story

NYP Laptopgate: Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad


Leaked Messages Reveal the Origins of the Most Vile Hunter Biden Smear

More Leaked Audio: Bannon Bragged That He Used Porn to Help Smear Hunter Biden

Ukraine, Trump, Biden — The Real Story Behind “Ukrainegate”


Euromaidan 2014 – Orange Revolution – War in Donbass

Report: Lied About Pretty Much Everything While Providing Identification Services To The Government made its disastrous news cycle debut as COVID-19 continued to wreak havoc worldwide. With ID verification and other government services mostly still being handled remotely, multiple governments continued to wrestle with these unprecedented logistical problems.

Report: Lied About Pretty Much Everything While Providing Identification Services To The Government

Communists held a rally at the site of the derailment of a train with American military equipment (VIDEO)

Near the Greek port of Alexandroupolis, a train with military equipment of the American army derailed.

The Greek communists held a protest action at the site of the accident under the slogans “Alexandroupolis is a port of the peoples, not a stronghold of the imperialists”, “Let the military bases and the Americans get out.”

The Greek communists: Let the military bases and the Americans get out! via Djuki San


Communists held a rally at the site of the derailment of a train with American military equipment (VIDEO)

[2005] The Tulip Revolution takes root

It all went down at the speed of light. In only a few hours on Thursday in Kyrgyzstan’s capital Bishkek, the palace was stormed, the tyrant fled and a new order was starting to take shape. Or was it?

The Tulip Revolution takes root



Although Kyrgyzstan’s Tulip Revolution has already turned out to be far more violent than similar uprisings in Georgia and Ukraine, the scenarios have a striking similarity. They suggest the presence of a strong network of human, material, and financial resources in the post-Soviet space, which is able to fight successfully with the authoritarian and mostly Russia-leaning regimes.

U.S. Wars and Hostile Actions (WW2 – 2014)

Euromaidan 2014 – Orange Revolution – War in Donbass