Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Under Investigation for Ethics Violation

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is formally under investigation by the House Committee on Ethics.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Under Investigation for Ethics Violation

Newsweek claims that American Accountability Foundation is non-partisan. According to Wikipedia, it’s a “conservative opposition research group”. I suppose that Newsweek would deny that PNAC was a neoconservative think tank, as well.

More About American Accountability Foundation:

The AAF’s executive director and co-founder, Tom Jones, previously worked for Republican senators Ron Johnson, Ted Cruz (directing opposition research for Cruz’s 2016 presidential campaign), Jim DeMint, and John Ensign. Its other co-founder, Matthew Buckham, worked in the White House Presidential Personnel Office during the Trump presidency. The New Yorker described the AAF as a dark money group (“a politically active, tax-exempt nonprofit charity that doesn’t disclose its backers”) that is an offshoot of another such group, the Conservative Partnership Institute, which employed Mark Meadows after he left the Trump administration.

The AAF describes itself as a “charitable and educational organization that conducts non-partisan governmental oversight research and fact-checking so Americans can hold their elected leaders accountable”. Jones told Fox News in April 2021 that he aimed to “take a big handful of sand and throw it in the gears of the Biden administration”.


With a Twitter handle of “@ExposingBiden”, the group works to prevent Biden Administration nominees from getting approved. It also hosts a website called that tracks how Republican senators vote for President Biden’s nominees. The site describes itself as “an effort to ensure that personnel in leadership positions within the federal government reflect the values and concerns of the American people, not the liberal coastal elite or their woke allies in corporate America.” The site also includes profiles of each nominee.
