Thousands of people take over Arequipa & Andahuaylas airports in Peru

Thousands of people have taken over the Arequipa airport in southern Peru on Monday, sparking a confrontation with security forces that has resulted in at least four injured, according to initial reports by local media.

Thousands of people take over Arequipa airport in Peru


Mass Protests In Peru In Support Of Pedro: Demonstrators Take Over An Airport, 1 Dead

Orinoco Tribune Editor: There Was a Coup Against Pedro Castillo in Peru + Some Notes

Biden was elected to start a war with Russia

The ongoing US war against Russia has elevated American-allied Nazis to the international stage as ‘freedom fighters,’ resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of Ukrainian civilians, raised the risk of nuclear war, ended any effective international cooperation on environmental issues through rekindling energy geopolitics, assured Europe of one or more Great Depression type winters with limited heating fuel, and more probably than not will soon produce the total annihilation of Ukraine as a modern state by the Russians.

The Americans Started the US War with Russia