Thursday Night Purge: Elon Musk’s Twitter Bans Tons Of High Profile Journalists

Well. Just after finishing that last post about Twitter banning the official Mastodon account on Twitter for tweeting about the ElonJet tracking account existing on Mastodon, it seems that whatever brakes or controls were in place at the new “free speech absolutist” Twitter have really come off. In quick succession, a whole bunch of high profile reporter accounts were suspended, including Aaron Rupar (who famously covers and quotes videos of high profile politicians), Drew Harwell from the Washington Post, Ryan Mac from the NY Times, Donie Sullivan from CNN, and Matt Binder from Mashable.

Thursday Night Purge: Elon Musk’s Twitter Bans Tons Of High Profile Journalists


Twitter abruptly suspends more than half a dozen journalists

Elon’s Promise Not To Ban Account Tracking His Jet Didn’t Last Very Long At All; Also Bans Guy’s Personal Account

Earlier this week, we wrote about how Elon Musk had secretly applied the strongest visibility filter (what some people insist on calling “shadowbanning”) to the ElonJet account on Twitter (which automatically noted where Elon’s private plane was flying), which he had promised not to ban due to his apparent “commitment to free speech.”

Elon’s Promise Not To Ban Account Tracking His Jet Didn’t Last Very Long At All; Also Bans Guy’s Personal Account


Information and Links on Elon Musk’s/SpaceX’s jets registered under the name “Falcon Landing LLC”

Rubio’s Bill To Ban TikTok Is A Dumb Performance That Ignores The Real Problem

For several years we’ve noted how most of the calls to ban TikTok are bad faith bullshit made by a rotating crop of characters that not only couldn’t care less about consumer privacy, but are directly responsible for the privacy oversight vacuum TikTok (and everybody else) exploits.

Rubio’s Bill To Ban TikTok Is A Dumb Performance That Ignores The Real Problem


Senate passes bill banning TikTok from government devices

Congress Is About To Make This Post Telling You When To Celebrate SCOTUS Justice Birthdays Illegal

The US Supreme Court has a big year ahead with lots of weighty matters to consider in 2023. But the seriousness of their job doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate each justice’s special day! If you would like to know when to fill your heart with warm birthday wishes for your favorite justice, here are all their birthdays in this handy convenient form.

Congress Is About To Make This Post Telling You When To Celebrate SCOTUS Justice Birthdays Illegal

The FTX Collapse Is Also a Huge Campaign Finance Scandal

Sam Bankman-Fried was set to testify before Congress on Tuesday, but before he could appear, he was arrested in the Bahamas. Not surprisingly, most of the charges he’s facing involve allegations of fraud related to the collapse of FTX, his crypto-trading platform. But a federal indictment unveiled Tuesday also accuses SBF—a prolific political donor who cultivated relationships with politicians and policymakers—of campaign finance violations.

The FTX Collapse Is Also a Huge Campaign Finance Scandal