How Much it Actually Costs to Fly U.S. Military Aircraft

How Much it Actually Costs to Fly U.S. Military Aircraft

The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter costs $41,986 an hour across all models, including the F-35A for the Air Force, the F-35B for the Marine Corps, and the F-35C for the Marine Corps and Navy. The Air Force in particular is stuck with the headache of replacing the F-16, which costs $26,927 an hour, with a plane that costs 25 percent more to operate, permanently raising costs. This is especially a problem as the F-35 was originally promised to cost the same to operate as the F-16. The Air Force must now either buy fewer F-35s or figure out how to foot a bigger annual bill.

UN adopts resolution on Syrian, Palestinian sovereignty over natural resources in Israeli-occupied territories

The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) has adopted a resolution declaring that Syrians and Palestinians have sovereignty over their natural resources in the Israeli-occupied tracts of land in the strategic Golan Heights and the West Bank, including East al-Quds.

UN adopts resolution on Syrian, Palestinian sovereignty over natural resources in Israeli-occupied territories

Canadian reporter caught falsely claiming Trudeau was briefed with names of ‘Chinese-funded’ election candidates

On November 7, 2022, Global News reporter Sam Cooper published a report titled “Canadian intelligence warned PM Trudeau that China covertly funded 2019 election candidates: Sources”. Cooper has a problem though: on November 20, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau admitted that he was never briefed about supposed Chinese-funded election candidates, doesn’t know their names (if they even exist) and only learned of the alleged Chinese election interference from media reports.

Canadian reporter caught falsely claiming Trudeau was briefed with names of ‘Chinese-funded’ election candidates

Forget cannabis. Here are 2 banking provisions that did make the NDAA.

Forget cannabis. Here are 2 banking provisions that did make the NDAA.

Some banks have instituted policies making it easier for second-chance workers to get hired. JPMorgan Chase years ago removed all questions about criminal backgrounds from job applications and established a policy center to help former criminals find jobs.

It expanded its effort to help ex-offenders return to the workforce last year, partnering with nonprofits to connect people with arrest or conviction histories to in-demand jobs. CEO Jamie Dimon also agreed to co-chair the Second Chance Business Coalition encompassing 29 member companies.

The bank hired 4,300 people with criminal records last year, Nan Gibson, executive director for public policy and corporate responsibility at the JPMorgan Chase Policy Center, told American Banker. That’s more than double the bank’s 2,100 second-chance hires from 2020.

H/ T: Judge Napolitano


JPMorgan Chase, the Largest Federally-Insured Bank in the U.S. with Five Felony Counts, Says 10 Percent of its New Hires Last Year Had Criminal Histories

How Do Pro-Russian Ukrainians See the War?

War in Ukraine did not start with Russia’s February 2022 invasion.

Ukraine has been at civil war since 2014, when the US backed a coup to overthrow President Viktor Yanukovych. When the new post-coup government cracked down on ethnic-Russian Ukrainians and their Russian culture, Ukrainians in the eastern Donbas region rose up in rebellion, leading to the creation of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics.

Anna Soroka, joining the Useful Idiots from Ukraine, is the former Deputy Foreign Minister of the Luhansk People’s Republic. She joins Useful Idiots to share what it’s like being on the other side of a civil war that has now escalated into a full-blown proxy war with Russia.

Sometimes discussions about war can become abstract, but it’s important to go “behind enemy lines” and hear from real people on the other side. It’s a perspective that you don’t get to hear at all in the NATO states. Unless you follow shows like Useful Idiots.

How Do Pro-Russian Ukrainians See the War? via Useful Idiots

Anna Soroka interview starts at 14:39, unless you want to hear Hillary Clinton singing Karaoke. *cringe*