You’re Not Actually Helping When You “Support” Protesters In Empire-Targeted Nations

Truthout has a recent article titled “The Left Can Support Protesters in China Without Shilling for US Imperialism” with a subtitle asserting that “Chinese workers and Uyghurs need solidarity from leftists worldwide,” and it at no point attempts to defend either one of those titular claims.

You’re Not Actually Helping When You “Support” Protesters In Empire-Targeted Nations

Truthout interviews Rebecca E Karl, for the above-linked article. She works for NGOs/non-profits affiliated with George Soros and John D. Rockefeller 3rd (Rockefeller Foundation). As for Naomi Klein, she was ‘compromised’ even before coronavirus as covered by Cory Morningstar. I can’t find anything on the Jacobin author, as his name (pseudonym?!) is the same as the deceased Iranian poet and journalist Khosrow Golsorkhi. The GrayZone covered Jacobin, previously.

Notes for self:

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Cryptocurrency News: US Regulators Should ‘Maybe’ Ban Crypto + Digital Asset Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2022

Banking Committee Chair: US Regulators Should ‘Maybe’ Ban Crypto

The senator [Sherrod Brown] also pointed to numerous incidents to back up his claims, not just the recent collapse of FTX but also issues such as “the threat to national security from Korean cyber criminals to drug trafficking and human trafficking and financing of terrorism and all the things that can come out of crypto.”

Senator Elizabeth Warren unveiled a new bill governing cryptocurrencies earlier this month, dubbed the Digital Asset Anti-Money Laundering Act.

Warren’s bill would look to force crypto asset providers to offer audited financial statements and impose bank-like capital requirements more in line with what is expected of traditional financial institutions. The act would also give the SEC increased powers to regulate the asset class.

Get ready for the Digital Dollar!


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Russia Installs Shield Over Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Storage Site


Russia Installs Shield Over Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Storage Site

Video footage published by Vladimir Rogov, a Russian-appointed official in Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia province, showed workers mounting a screen of what appeared to be some kind of transparent sheeting on wires above dozens of concrete cylinders about 5 metres (16 feet) high.

Both Kyiv and Moscow have accused each other of recklessly shelling the plant, whose six reactors are all off line.

The “concrete cylinders” are part of the dry cask storage system, where the spent nuclear fuel is stored. On another note, Reuters still can’t admit that Russia isn’t shelling itself!? Why would they even bother to do this if they were?!

How the POW/MIA flag took over America: Have You Forgotten Him?

THE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION PROMISED a return to normalcy, but one of its most telling acts of restoration passed with barely any comment. Early last year, the administration hoisted the POW/MIA flag above the White House, where it had flown for decades until Donald Trump abruptly relocated it to the South Lawn in 2020. In an era when even the most minor symbolic sparks can ignite endless outrage, few Americans noticed Biden’s gesture—and why should they? Reverence for the POW/MIA flag is a truly bipartisan position. Left, right, and center united when Senators Elizabeth Warren, Tom Cotton, and Maggie Hassan penned a letter asking Biden to “restore the flag to its place of honor” just days after his inauguration.

Have You Forgotten Him?

Flash : “Can Ukraine have a Nazi problem with a Jewish president ?”


From a Ukrainian propaganda channel on social networks, the official one of the former Mariupol city council, which does not need to hide them since most Western mainstream media are claiming that there is no Nazi problem in Ukraine. On December 18, 2022, a car race was held in Dnieper city, in support to the heroic defenders of Mariupol and Azovstal who are still in Russian captivity.

Flash : “Can Ukraine have a Nazi problem with a Jewish president ?”

One of the stupidest things, that I’ve ever heard, is that there are no Nazis, in Ukraine, because Zelensky is Jewish! I guess that there were no racists, in the US, while Obama was President?! 🙄

Western Media Whitewashing Extremism in Ukraine

Dec 19, 2022 – Forbes has published an article attempting to dismiss concerns over extremism among the ranks of Ukraine’s armed forces as Russian propaganda, but admits that it had been a problem that Ukraine has since “fixed.”

Unfortunately, a screenshot included in the article is from a video that proves exactly the opposite – that extremism in Ukraine’s armed forces is worse than ever and openly benefiting from Western weapons and equipment flooding the country.


Forbes – Ukraine Deradicalized Its Extremist Troops. Now They Might Be Preparing A Counteroffensive

Western Media Whitewashing Extremism in Ukraine (Odysee) via The New Atlas

[2020] Republicans blasting China forget that the GOP enabled Beijing’s rise

As a deadly pandemic wreaks havoc in an election year, Republicans are leveling relentless attacks against China. To be sure, Beijing’s initial response to the coronavirus outbreak was littered with errors, egregious injustices and conspiracy-mongering.

Republicans blasting China forget that the GOP enabled Beijing’s rise


What Republicans did 15 years ago to help create Donald Trump today

Urged on by their presidential standard-bearer, Texas Gov. George W. Bush, and by nearly all of the business lobbyists who represented the core of the party’s donor class, three-quarters of House Republicans voted to extend the status of permanent normal trade relations to China. They were more than enough, when added to a minority of Democrats, to secure passage of a bill that would sail through the Senate and be signed into law by President Bill Clinton.

Russia Balks At “Stupid” Oil Price Cap, Mulls Production Cut

Crude oil prices rose by roughly a percent on Friday morning on news that Russia was considering a production cut.

Brent crude oil prices rose by 0.85% on Friday morning to $76.80 at 10:20 a.m. ET, after Russian President Vladimir Putin succinctly referred to the West’s price cap as “stupid”, threatening to cut oil production in retaliation.

Russia Balks At “Stupid” Oil Price Cap, Mulls Production Cut