Ep. 5819 – Jeffrey Kaye on US Bio-weapons and the CIA’s Attempts to Hide Them – 12/16/22

Scott talks with Jeffrey Kaye about an article he recently published on the CIA’s effort to suppress reports about the use of bio-weapons by U.S. forces fighting in Korea. The agency went to great lengths to dismiss those rumors and claims as communist propaganda and the results of brainwashing. Then in 2010, the agency declassified documents that contained evidence of U.S. bio-weapons use in the Korean War. Kaye and Scott discuss the relevant history and why it’s important today.

Check out the interview page here.

The Scott Horton Show


Secret Plan Revealed: CIA Told to “Destroy” Those Supporting Communist Germ Warfare “Myth”

“False” Confessions Cover-up: U.S. Told Airmen Who Admitted Germ War in Korea They Could Reveal Information If Captured

Who Really Started the Korean War?

U.S. Zionists Foxman, Jacobs and Kurtzer sound alarm about Netanyahu’s extremist government

Benjamin Netanyahu is set to announce his new governing coalition that includes openly racist and fascistic lawmakers (according to reports), and American Zionists have been sounding alarms that the next government will break Israel’s supposedly unbreakable relationship with the U.S.

U.S. Zionists Foxman, Jacobs and Kurtzer sound alarm about Netanyahu’s extremist government


What in the World Is Happening in Israel?

I don’t think a day passed on this trip when I did not read about or see TikTok or other videos of a Palestinian shot by Israeli soldiers or Israelis rammed into or attacked with knives by individual Palestinians. This conflict porn is new, it’s pervasive and it is incredibly effective at instilling hate in 15-second bites that keep everyone in a permanent state of fear and rage

The Ideal of Democracy in a Jewish State Is in Jeopardy

Fact-finding report terms Arshad Sharif’s murder ‘targeted’

Fact-finding report terms Arshad Sharif’s murder ‘targeted’

ISLAMABAD: A two-member fact-finding team consisting of officers from the Intelligence Bureau (IB) and Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) has concluded that the murder of senior journalist Arshad Sharif was a “planned targeted assassination” which purportedly involved “transnational characters”.

The investigators noted that Mr Sharif’s host Waqar [Ahmed], a contractor of the US embassy in Nairobi, was connected with the Kenyan National Intelligence Service (NIS) and international intelligence agencies and police.


Arshad Sharif Was Tortured Before Being Gunned Down at Point-Blank Range

Pakistan Suggests Killing Of Journalist In Kenya Was Targeted

The FBI Paid Twitter $3.4 Million for Processing Requests

The FBI Paid Twitter $3.4 Million for Processing Requests

There’s been ample insinuation that these agencies were politically motivated. But all of this was happening at a time when President Donald Trump was in power and his people were running DHS and the FBI. Rather than agencies intent on swaying the 2020 election for Biden, their actions seem like run-of-the-mill paranoia and attempts at control.

This brings us back to the money the FBI gave Twitter for “time spent processing requests.” In the last installment of the Twitter Files, Matt Taibbi reported on some of those requests, many of which were related to potential election misinformation. Twitter looked into the flagged tweets and accounts, sometimes complying with the FBI and sometimes not.

Twitter’s “Guidelines for law enforcement” does state under a section titled “Cost reimbursement” that “Twitter may seek reimbursement for costs associated with information produced pursuant to legal process and as permitted by law (e.g., under 18 U.S.C. §2706).” But the fact that this garnered millions from the FBI was not, as far as I can tell, known until now.


No, The FBI Is NOT ‘Paying Twitter To Censor’

So, who was the Trump Administration targeting?!

But this is a misreading/misunderstanding of how things work. This had nothing to do with any “influence campaign.” The law already says that if the FBI is legally requesting information for an investigation under a number of different legal authorities, the companies receiving those requests can be reimbursed for fulfilling them.

I do think it remains a scandal the way that 2703(d) orders work, and the inability of users to push back on them. But that is the law. And it has literally nothing whatsoever to do with “censorship” requests. It is entirely about investigations by the FBI into Twitter users based on evidence of a crime. If you want, you can read the DOJ’s own guidelines regarding what they can request under 2703(d).

2703(d) order:

Under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986, law enforcement must obtain a court order under 18 U.S.C. §2703(d) (2703(d) order) to compel a provider to disclose more detailed records about a customer’s or subscriber’s use of services, such as the following

Support King, banned by FTC, linked to new phone spying operation

Support King, banned by FTC, linked to new phone spying operation

If you or someone you know needs help, the National Domestic Violence Hotline (1-800-799-7233) provides 24/7 free, confidential support to victims of domestic abuse and violence. If you are in an emergency situation, call 911. The Coalition Against Stalkerware also has resources if you think your phone has been compromised by spyware. You can contact this reporter on Signal and WhatsApp at +1 646-755-8849 or zack.whittaker@techcrunch.com by email.