Finally! An Interesting Twitter Files That Appears To Reveal Sketchy Government Behavior +

Finally! An Interesting Twitter Files That Appears To Reveal Sketchy Government Behavior

So when the Intercept’s Lee Fang kicked off the 8th installment of the Twitter files, I was not expecting much at all. After all, Fang was one of the authors of the very recent garbage Intercept story that totally misunderstood the role of CISA in the government and (falsely) argued that the government demanded Twitter censor the Hunter Biden laptop story. The fact that the evidence from the Twitter files totally disproved his earlier story should at least result in Fang questioning his understanding of these things.

LibsOfTikTok was ‘whitelisted’.

Thus, it’s not at all surprising that Twitter clearly has a similar whitelist feature. This was actually somewhat revealed in an earlier Twitter File when Bari Weiss, thinking she was revealing unfair treatment of the @LibsOfTikTok account, actually revealed it was on a similar Xcheck style whitelist that clearly showed a flag on the account saying DO NOT TAKE ACTION ON USER WITHOUT CONSULTING an executive team.


The Twitter Files Are a Missed Opportunity

Twitter’s most recent transparency report, published in July, shows that it took action on 4.3 million accounts in the second half of 2021 and removed 5.1 million pieces of content. You could cherry-pick a few of those decisions to fit almost any ideological narrative. Right-wing commentators aren’t the only people complaining about platforms’ actions. Some Black and LGBTQ social-media users have also objected that they’re being unfairly moderated, as automated tools take down posts containing words and phrases deemed offensive. Distrust of Big Tech’s power is universal.

Twitter Aided Pentagon in Covert Propaganda Campaign

Pentagon Opens Review Of Its Clandestine Psychological Operations

Ukrainian army bombs Kalinina hospital in Donetsk for two days in a row

Continuing its tactic of terrorist bombardments against the inhabitants of Donetsk, the Ukrainian army shelled the Kalinina hospital (the largest and most important hospital in the city) for two days in a row, killing one patient and wounding four others. The latter were evacuated after the first shelling, avoiding a much higher death toll.

Ukrainian army bombs Kalinina hospital in Donetsk for two days in a row

The alliance of MI6, the CIA and the Banderites

After having shown that the war in Ukraine was prepared by the Straussians and triggered on February 17 by Kiev’s attack on the Donbass, Thierry Meyssan returns to the secret history that links the Anglo-Saxons to the Banderites since the fall of the Third Reich. He sounds the alarm: we have not been able to see the resurgence of Nazi racialism in Ukraine and in the Baltic States for thirty years, nor do we see that many of the Ukrainian civilians we welcome are steeped in Banderites’ ideology. We are waiting for Nazi attacks to begin in Western Europe before we wake up.

The alliance of MI6, the CIA and the Banderites