The Monroe Doctrine Is Soaked in Blood

The Monroe Doctrine was first discussed under that name as justification for the U.S. war on Mexico that moved the western US border south, swallowing up the present-day states of California, Nevada, and Utah, most of New Mexico, Arizona and Colorado, and parts of Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Wyoming. By no means was that as far south as some would have liked to move the border.

The Monroe Doctrine Is Soaked in Blood

Quake Response in Syria Faces Obstacles, Says Top U.N. Aid Official

BEIRUT (Reuters) – A top U.N. humanitarian official said damage to roads, fuel shortages and harsh winter weather in Syria were hampering the agency’s response to an earthquake on Monday that killed more than 1,200 in the country and left millions in need of aid.

Quake Response in Syria Faces Obstacles, Says Top U.N. Aid Official


Western selective humanitarianism, Syria earthquake falls on deaf ears