Ethiopia blocks social media amid Orthodox church tensions

Ethiopia blocks social media amid Orthodox church tensions:

The religious crisis erupted last month after a group of rebellious ethnic Oromo archbishops formed a breakaway group called the Holy Synod of Oromia in defiance of the church’s highest body or the synod.

The splinter group accuses the church of “maintaining a system of linguistic and cultural hegemony in which congregations in Oromia are not served in their native languages“, an allegation the church denies.

H/T: Ethiopian PM Abiy Ahmed suspends American big tech


The Lingering Danger of Google & Facebook

Another schism?! Is the Holy Synod of Oromia supported by the US?! TBD, soon.

Somali region says calling for unauthorized rally inappropriate, supports Joint Task Force decision on security, safety matters:

Somali regional state government said it is “not appropriate to call for a peaceful demonstration that is not authorized by the appropriate body” and that it “creates a security threat at this time when preparations for the African Union Summit, which has high diplomatic and economic benefits, are being completed.”

However, the region said that it “has been confirmed with information and evidence that the problem in the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church is beyond the religious issue and many domestic and foreign political forces with evil intentions are working together to weaken Ethiopia,” and that the Somali regional government “strongly opposes any movement that may threaten the security of the country and people by using religion as a cover.”

It is recalled that the federal government yesterday said that it has “discovered that a group composed of business people, politicians and ‘Spiritual youth associations’ has been organized from the center to the bottom and is organizing a rally called ‘Sacrifices of the Martyrs Rally’.” The statement further accused the group of wanting “to take the opportunity to shake the government with armed violence.”. It also claimed of having intelligence that the group has “started recruiting young people, collecting money for its purpose in various ways and illegally,” adding that the “government has confirmed” that the group is creating avenues of “relationship with the armed forces.”

Govt, Orthodox Synod in heightened war of words; Synod goes ahead with planned rally despite warning by joint task force:

“In this monitoring process, rioters with different devices have been caught while on deployment. Groups have also been seen using church bells for inappropriate purposes to cause violence. They have been found in every area recruiting and deploying youths for conflict. Forces trying to pursue their political goals under the guise of religion have been arrested. It is also known that there are invisible hands who want to destroy the reputation of the government by violating the rights of people and religious institutions by using the responsibility given to them.”

Over the weekend, clashes lash between followers of Orthodox Christianity and the local police in West Arsi zone, Shashemene city of the Oromia Region on Saturday 04 February “claimed the lives of many people.” The clashes erupted at St. Michael Church during a reception ceremony for members clergy appointed by the new “Holy Synod of Oromia and Nations and Nationalities.”

On Monday, Addis Abeba Police said that “19 police leaders and officers sustained serious and light injuries” during a confrontation with a group of people who gathered at St. Lideta of the Orthodox Church, located in Philidoro, a location bordering Addis Abeba city and Oromia Regional State Special Zone Surrounding Finnfine.