BREAKING NEWS! Biden announces STUNNING news on China, Taiwan flips out

Political Talk Show Host Garland Nixon issued one of his satirical breaking news tweets that said Biden has ultimate destruction planned for Taiwan. The tweet set off a firestorm of action in Taiwan as officials thought it was real. Garland joins host Clayton Morris for a discussion over how this tweet made such an impact.

BREAKING NEWS! Biden announces STUNNING news on China, Taiwan flips out | Redacted w Clayton Morris

Garland was even ‘fact-checked’ by USAGM’s propaganda mouthpiece, Didn’t know that they even had a ’fact-checking’ site until I saw it mentioned in Snopes.


China Says US Must Provide A Clear Explanation Of ‘plan For The Destruction Of Taiwan’

Chip Geopolitics: If China Invades, Make Taiwan ‘Unwantable’ by Destroying TSMC, Military Paper Suggests

No, China Isn’t Gobbling Up America’s Farms

Source: US Department of Agriculture

Fears over Chinese purchases of US cropland are vastly overblown. Lawmakers should slow down before imposing damaging new restrictions.

No, China Isn’t Gobbling Up America’s Farms


Bill Gates: America’s Top Farmland Owner

Bill Gates Finally Explains Why He’s Buying So Much U.S. Farmland

I’m more worried about ‘Farmer Bill’, who claims that he owns “less than 1/4000 of the farmland”.

Dems, Unions Spar Over Gun Laws While Deciding Location For 2024 Democratic Convention

Dems, Unions Spar Over Gun Laws While Deciding Location For 2024 Democratic Convention

Lawmakers in Chicago, Illinois, and Atlanta, Georgia, are deep in debate over the 2024 national convention, with Illinois lawmakers concerned that Georgia gun laws will fail to protect attendees, and Georgia Democrats saying that gun laws have “no particular impact” on the decision, according to the NYT. Alongside Georgia and Illinois, union leaders are arguing that the convention should be held in Chicago, as the city aligns with President Joe Biden’s stance on unions, saying he is the “most pro-union president in history.”

Joe Biden is the most pro-union president in history, and having it in a pro-union town reinforces that record and sends a message,” political and legislative Director of the International Association of Iron Workers Ross Templeton told the NYT.


Ukrainian army bombs ambulance in Donetsk, then releases video proving its war crime – 18+

On 23 February 2023, the Ukrainian army shelled the Petrovsky district of Donetsk, killing four paramedics and injuring 10 rescue workers who had come to the scene after an initial shelling of the area. Two days later, a Tik Tok channel, obviously owned by a Ukrainian soldier, published the video from a drone showing the scene “live”, clearly indicating that this shelling of an ambulance and several teams of paramedics by the Ukrainian army was totally deliberate, and even worse, that this soldier is so proud of having done it that he is publishing the evidence of this war crime!

Ukrainian army bombs ambulance in Donetsk, then releases video proving its war crime – Donbass Insider

Related video:

Moment Child Films Rocket Hitting Home In Donetsk | Russia – Ukraine War (Special Report)

China meets American hegemony head-on

In a rare scathing essay, Beijing’s foreign ministry has blasted Washington’s continued attempts at world domination

China meets American hegemony head-on


No holds barred as China launches frontal assault on American dollar hegemony

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