The U.S. would destroy Taiwan’s chip plants if China invades, says former Trump official

The U.S. would destroy Taiwan’s chip plants if China invades, says former Trump official

Still, I was caught off guard by O’Brien’s candor. It occurred to me at that moment that this national security advisor, cleared at the highest level of state secrets, probably knew whether there is some sort of “end TSMC” action plan should the U.S. and allies not stop China from taking control of Taiwan. O’Brien didn’t explicitly say there was such a plan, but when I asked if Taiwan’s chip production facilities would really be “gone,” he said “I can’t imagine they’d be intact.”

O’Brien = Swamp creature.


Chip Geopolitics: If China Invades, Make Taiwan ‘Unwantable’ by Destroying TSMC, Military Paper Suggests

Taxpayers ARE on hook for bank bailout – and could even fund bankers’ bonuses

As regulators rush through emergency measures to prevent further chaos following the disastrous collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, there’s a point they’re very keen to emphasize: this is not a bailout.

Taxpayers ARE on hook for bank bailout – and could even fund bankers’ bonuses


Joe Biden stuck around just long enough to lie about who’s on the hook for SVB bailout

The Homeland or Death: Accomplishments of the Traoré Government in Burkina Faso

Who is Prime Minister Apollinaire Joachim Kyélem de Tambèla?

Burkina Faso cheered and celebrated at the news of Apollinaire Joachim Kyélem de Tambèla’s appointment to office as prime minister on October 21st, 2022. While there are many new faces and figures in Burkinabé politics right now, Kyélem de Tambèla is a familiar face to many Burkinabé who have known him for decades. In other circumstances this label may be given out too freely but, Kyélem de Tambèla has rightfully earned the title of Sankarist as demonstrated by his own background.

The Homeland or Death: Accomplishments of the Traoré Government in Burkina Faso

H/T(YouTube): Traoré & Burkina Faso oust the West for a Pan-African & Multi-Polar Future