Senator Warner’s RESTRICT Act Is Designed To Create The Great Firewall Of America

from the we-become-what-we-fear dept

Thu, Mar 30th 2023 10:49am – Mike Masnick

Earlier this month, we wrote about Mark Warner’s RESTRICT Act, mainly in the context of how it appeared to be kneejerk legislating in response to the moral panic around TikTok.

Senator Warner’s RESTRICT Act Is Designed To Create The Great Firewall Of America

America with Chinese Characteristics?! /sarcasm

Watch: Austrian Lawmakers Stage Mass Walkout During Zelensky Speech

As we and others have observed recently, Western populations have grown weary of “sacrificing” their hard-earned money and tax dollars for Ukraine. Volodymyr Zelensky himself has this week acknowledged that ‘Ukraine fatigue’ is setting in, and waning enthusiasm and support for the war effort against Russia, which is clearly evident even to him, apparently.

Watch: Austrian Lawmakers Stage Mass Walkout During Zelensky Speech

The Controversial Truth About Climate Change | IPCC Report #climatechange

The United Nations IPCC Assessment Report blames “human activity” for the current state of our climate… BUT, they are leaving out some major points of interest when it comes to our climate crisis, like Big BUSINESS and MILITARIES. A deeply unserious report… if you ask me. What do you think?

The Controversial Truth About Climate Change | IPCC Report #climatechange via Endemic Times


How the world’s militaries hide their huge carbon emissions