Zelensky regime leads request for social media platforms to censor “disinformation”

Ukraine has spearheaded a collective call to action, joining forces with seven other Central and Eastern European nations to combat “disinformation” on social media platforms.

Zelensky regime leads request for social media platforms to censor “disinformation”


A joint letter from European heads of government to global technology companies on the need to engage in the fight against disinformation

Social media has become a potent channel for spreading false and manipulative narratives. Paid ads and artificial amplification on Meta’s platforms, including Facebook, are often used to call for violent social unrest, bring violence to the streets and destabilize governments.

Wider Europe Briefing: Ukraine’s Big Plan To Fight Russian Disinformation And Why The EU Is Stalling On Belarus Sanctions

Now, Kyiv wants to repeat the trick by starting an “Information Ramstein” to combat Russian disinformation on a larger scale.

Deep Background: In a letter written by Ukrainian Culture Minister Oleksandr Tkachenko and addressed to the European commissioner responsible for transparency and values, Vera Jourova, he notes that “Ukraine is up against Russia’s vast and centralized information warfare and international influence machine, which includes assets from troll farms to state media, energy companies to corruption networks. Though it cannot compete in terms of scale, Ukraine does have one huge advantage: It can ally with its international partners to create coordinated, targeted, joint-influence operations.”

Senate Leaves AUMF for Secret Wars in Force

On March 29, the Senate voted to repeal two Authorizations for the Use of Military Force, (AUMF’s), one passed in 1991 and another in 2002. The repeal now goes to the House. But those Authorizations are irrelevant to the present; they apply only to the Iraq war. But a third AUMF, passed in 2001, was left untouched. And that AUMF is the only one that has a bearing on the present moment, because it provides legal cover for the many US military operations, open and secret, around the world.

Senate Leaves AUMF for Secret Wars in Force

St. Petersburg Bomber Hired by CIA Linked Ukrainian Journalist Roman Popkov

The main suspect in the murder of prominent Russian military blogger Vladlen Tatarsky, Darya Trepova, has admitted she was recruited by a man with ties to the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU), news outlet Shot claimed on Monday, citing sources. Tatarsky was killed on Sunday by a blast from an improvised explosive device.

St. Petersburg Bomber Hired by CIA Linked Ukrainian Journalist Roman Popkov


Telegram Channels Reported The Involvement Of Journalist Roman Popkov In Tatarsky’s Murder. He Denies It

Researching the National Republican Army and Ilya Ponomarev/Mikhail Khodorkovsky

Russia arrests anti-war activist following blast that killed hawkish blogger (CNN)

Prominent Russian Military Journalist Killed in St. Petersburg Blast

A prominent Russian military blogger and war correspondent was killed in an explosion in St. Petersburg on Sunday.

Prominent Russian Military Journalist Killed in St. Petersburg Blast


War correspondent under International Humanitarian Law:

War correspondents are protected by the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their additional protocols. In general, journalists are considered civilians so they have all rights related to the civilians in a conflict.