When Liberals Fell in Love With Benito Mussolini

When we speak of concepts like “totalitarianism” and “corporatism,” it is often assumed that fascism stands very far from the liberal market society that went before it, and which we are still experiencing today. But if we pay closer attention to Italian fascism’s economic policies, especially during the 1920s, we can see how some combinations typical of both the last century and our own were experienced already in the first years of Benito Mussolini’s rule. A case in point is the association between austerity and technocracy. By “technocracy,” I refer to the phenomenon whereby certain policies that are common today (such as cuts in social spending, regressive taxation, monetary deflation, privatizations, and wage repressions) are decided by economic experts who advise governments or even directly take over the reins themselves, as in several recent cases in Italy.

When Liberals Fell in Love With Benito Mussolini

[2014] Robert Kennedy Jr.: We need laws to ‘punish global warming skeptics’

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., one of climate change’s loudest activists, said there should be a law that lets authorities punish skeptics and deniers – those who engage in “selling out the public trust,” he said, in an interview with Climate Depot during New York City’s recent People’s Climate March.

Robert Kennedy Jr.: We need laws to ‘punish global warming skeptics’


CHD Founder Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Files to Run for U.S. President

‘Either Our People Go to Prison, or We Comply With Laws’: Elon Musk on Indian Social Media Rules

‘The rules in India for what can appear on social media are quite strict, and we can’t go beyond the laws of a country,’ the Twitter owner told BBC’s James Clayton, when asked about the take downs.

‘Either Our People Go to Prison, or We Comply With Laws’: Elon Musk on Indian Social Media Rules


‘Free Speech’ Twitter Is Now Globally Blocking Posts Critical Of The Modi Government

Stephen Sefton & Camila Escalante on Boric’s new progressive bloc

Progressive political figures with an orientation more favorable to Washington are forming a new alliance of South American parties and are deliberately excluding the forces that are leading the continent’s liberation processes. Don DeBar interviewed Nicaraguan writer Stephen Sefton and Latin America correspondent Camila Escalante on KPFK Pacifica Radio. Below is a transcription of last week’s segment.

Stephen Sefton & Camila Escalante on Boric’s new progressive bloc

“Terrorism from the Sky”: Myanmar Junta Bombs Civilians, Killing 100, Escalating Attack on Resistance

Al Jazeera says at least 40 people were killed, whereas Western media is claiming 100+. Zarni is asking for Biden to release Myanmar’s frozen assets so that Myanmar’s “democratic resistancecan purchase more weapons.

“Terrorism from the Sky”: Burmese Junta Bombs Civilians, Killing 100, Escalating Attack on Resistance

And the second is China’s recent resumption of its backing of the military. China decided that they are going to back the military, because the democratic resistance is at least notionally backed by the United States and the European Union.


Myanmar military confirms air raid that killed dozens in Sagaing:

“During that opening ceremony, we conducted the attack. PDF members were killed,” Zaw Min Tun told the military broadcaster Myawaddy, referring to the civilian militias known as People’s Defence Forces.

Some media reports put the toll at more than 100 but Al Jazeera was unable to verify the figure. If confirmed, the attack on Pa Zi Gyi would be the deadliest in the country since the military toppled Aung San Suu Kyi’s elected government in a coup in February 2021.

“According to our ground information we hit the place of their weapons’ storage and that exploded and people died due to that,” he added.

Myanmar Strikes Concert (at Rebel Army Base): How & Why the West Lies

US-backed Proxy War Against China Rages in Myanmar

U.S., allies may be planning Ukraine proxy war model for Myanmar

Notes on Zarni:

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George Soros poses no danger to India

The Indian Express newspaper featured today two reports relating to India’s indirect partnership with George Soros in a worldwide democracy project under the UN umbrella. The main report is behind paywall while the second report titled “UN Democracy Fund launched in 2005 on sidelines of India-US N-deal” is accessible.

George Soros poses no danger to India

Both articles, linked above, are worth glancing over. Interestingly, the Kofi Annan Foundation gets funds from UNDEF. Both were founded by Kofi Annan. Nothing corrupt about that, huh?! /s