Indictment of African People’s Socialist Party is a Racist Assault on the Black Liberation Movement (Statement)

The Black Alliance for Peace unequivocally condemns and opposes the recent indictment of four members of the African People’s Socialist Party, alongside three Russian nationals.

Indictment of African People’s Socialist Party is a Racist Assault on the Black Liberation Movement (Statement)


Department of Justice CHARGES Black Socialists (clip)

German ambassador expelled from Chad

German ambassador expelled from Chad

But a Chadian government official told AFP anonymously that N’Djamena blamed the diplomat for “interfering too much” in the “governance of the country”, as well as “remarks tending to divide the Chadians“.

The main opposition leaders have been in exile or in hiding since the bloody repression of a demonstration against the government on 20 October 2022, which officially left 73 people dead, but many more according to NGOs, which also mention “forced disappearances” and “extrajudicial executions”.


2022 Chadian protests:

Prime Minister Saleh Kebzabo called the protests an “armed insurrection”. He also personally ordered the ban on several opposition parties, claiming they had “led a rebellion in the south and killed people”.

Tiamzons, Catbalogan 10 were held captive, tortured and cowardly killed by the AFP in US-directed operations

The entire leadership and membership of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) condemns in the strongest terms the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) for the brutal torture and cowardly killing of Party leaders Benito Tiamzon (Ka Laan) and Wilma Austria-Tiamzon (Ka Bagong-tao), together with eight other revolutionaries after they were captured in Samar province on August 21, 2022.

Tiamzons, Catbalogan 10 were held captive, tortured and cowardly killed by the AFP in US-directed operations


CPP confirms deaths of Tiamzon couple, says they were killed by AFP

Two killed by Saudi shelling in Yemen [after Lindsey Graham visits MbS & Bibi]

Two killed by Saudi shelling in Yemen

The Saudi-coalition attacks came shortly after Mahdi al-Mashat, the head of the Supreme Political Council of the Ansarallah movement, accused the US of obstructing peace efforts in Yemen by exerting pressure on the countries of the Saudi-led coalition.

During a speech on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr, Mashat stated that “the United States seeks to obstruct peace efforts and does not want to solve humanitarian issues. It is not in the interest of Riyadh and the region to bow to American pressure.”


Lindsey Graham: [Israel] Normalization with Saudi Arabia possible by 2024

Sen. Graham met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem on Monday, following a trip to Saudi Arabia last week, where he met with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.