Members of Zelensky’s party introduce internet censorship bill

Members of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s Servant of the People party have introduced a bill to criminalize the spread of “false information” on the internet and through social media that violates Ukraine’s “national security.”

Members of Zelensky’s party introduce internet censorship bill


How The FBI Helps Ukrainian Intelligence Hunt ‘Disinformation’ On Social Media

New report unveils how CIA schemes color revolutions around the world

For a long time, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has plotted “peaceful evolution” and “color revolutions” as well as spying activities around the world. Although details about these operations have always been murky, a new report released by China’s National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center and Chinese cybersecurity company 360 on Thursday unveiled the main technical means the CIA has used to scheme and promote unrest around the world.

New report unveils how CIA schemes color revolutions around the world

H/T: The Most Revolutionary Act

Psychopathic War Criminal visits The Hague after denying assassination attempt

Zelensky visits The Hague after denying Kremlin drone attack claims

Ukraine’s military said that in Odesa, three drones — inscribed “for Moscow” and “for the Kremlin” referencing the alleged Ukrainian attack on Wednesday — hit a dormitory of an educational facility but the fire was quickly put out and there were no casualties.

The Dutch government has offered to host a [sham] court that could be established to prosecute the crime of aggression and an office is being established to gather evidence.

The new International Centre for Prosecution of the Crime of Aggression should be operational by summer, the European Union’s judicial cooperation agency, Eurojust, said in February.

Asked whether the US was concerned that the accusation might have been a false flag operation by Russia to serve as a pretext for more aggressive military action on Ukraine, Ms Jean-Pierre said she did not want to speculate, but added: “Obviously Russia has a history of doing things like this.”


‘Laughable’ Claims by West That Kremlin ‘Attacked Itself’ Similar to Nord Stream Fallacies

Zelensky, Poroshenko, Biden, Obama, Clinton, and Bush should be prosecuted, first!