The Worthless Naval Base at Gitmo

The American empire has over 1000 overseas military bases with between a dozen and 45,000 personnel. The United States spends more to operate its overseas military bases each year than China spends on its entire military. Several of these bases have become worthless yet remain open because of bureaucratic resistance. The largest unneeded base is also the oldest overseas base, the US Naval Station at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, known as Gitmo. No combat forces are based there or even combat support forces. There are no ships, no aircraft, no weapons, nor munitions based at Gitmo. The lights could be shut off at expensive Gitmo tomorrow and everyone flown home and the US Navy wouldn’t notice, except that it would free manpower and resources for a dozen more warships.


All Bases Covered

Overseas Base Closure List

Related Tale: The Empires Cuban Colony 1898 -1959

The Worthless Naval Base at Gitmo via Tales of the American Empire

US congressman explains ‘blowing up’ Taiwan comment


English Tsai & US want to blow up Taiwan’s TSMC! What is new? US blew up Russia-Germany gas pipeline, sent missiles to destroy Chinese Ambassy… 蔡英蔡文和美國聯手要炸台灣台積電!美國什麼不能幹? 美國炸毀俄德天然氣管道,發射導彈摧毀中國大使館…

♬ original sound – johnsonwkchoi

Seth Moulton claimed the video quoting him about chip-making factories was Chinese “disinformation”

US congressman explains ‘blowing up’ Taiwan comment

Video via US wants to blow up Taiwan’s TSMC

H/T: Studio64 Podcasts | SocialTechTV

One Year After Israeli Sniper Kills Shireen Abu Akleh, No Justice for Palestinian-American Journalist

One year ago, on May 11, 2022, an Israeli soldier fatally shot the Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh in the head as she was reporting on an Israeli military raid just outside the Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank. She was shot while wearing a blue helmet and blue flak jacket clearly emblazoned with the word “press.” Abu Akleh was one of the most prominent TV journalists in the Arab world and had worked for Al Jazeera for a quarter of a century. She was also a U.S. citizen. But a year after her death, no one has been held accountable despite detailed testimony from eyewitnesses to the shooting. We air excerpts from the Al Jazeera investigation The Killing of Shireen Abu Akleh, which just won a George Polk Award, and speak with correspondent Sharif Abdel Kouddous. “There’s still no justice in her case, no accountability whatsoever,” says Abdel Kouddous. He adds that while the White House has been very vocal about the case of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, who is detained in Russia, the response to Abu Akleh’s killing has been muted. “Shireen was an American citizen, and her family deserves the same calls for justice, the same push for accountability from the White House.”

One Year After Israeli Sniper Kills Shireen Abu Akleh, No Justice for Palestinian-American Journalist

Donbass bombing is killing civilians. It is a crime to erect bases amongst civilians.

Donbass bombing is killing civilians. It is a crime to erect bases amongst civilians. But the Ukraine does not care. To them, it is Russian civilians and not humans. Shame on the West for staying quiet about this.

Donbass bombing is killing civilians. It is a crime to erect bases amongst civilians. via Skidmarks aka Briekmerke


Greek General Christou Accused Kyiv Of A Crime For Transferring Battles To Cities With Inhabitants

26-year-old man charged for the knife attack in Örebro, Sweden

26-year-old man charged for the knife attack in Örebro, Sweden (original)

A 26-year-old man believed his former classmate was a Russian agent.

He attacked her with a knife and killed her mother in their home.

He is now charged with murder and attempted murder.

On February 11, the police were called to an apartment in Örebro. A woman and her 25-year-old daughter had been very badly stabbed in an apartment.

The mother, who was in her 50s, died from her injuries. Now a 26-year-old man is charged with murder and attempted murder of the two women.

During interrogation, the daughter explained that she was at her mother’s house when suddenly someone pulled the letterbox. She recognized the 26-year-old from school, and thought it was strange that he was there.

When she opened the door, they both realized that they recognized each other. According to the daughter, the situation became tense, and the mother came to the door, then told them that she was going to call the police.

– In connection with that, they want to close the door. Then he prevents them from closing the door. He took out a knife that he had with him, and started attacking and slashing at them, says prosecutor Anders Persson.

When they want to close the door, he stopped them. Instead, the 26-year-old attacked with a knife. Her mother died from her injuries.

The 26-year-old thought she was a Russian agent

But the 26-year-old has a different story.

– He meant that the daughter is part of a network with Russian agents who persecuted and harassed him for some time, says prosecutor Anders Persson.

The man himself has said that he wanted to go there and talk to the daughter, with whom he also attended the same class.

– And he wants to talk to her about that and wants them to leave him alone. That is why he is there, says prosecutor Anders Persson.

According to him, he knocked, the daughter opened, and then the mother came out armed with a knife, and attacked him.

But the prosecutor is not buying his story – there is no evidence that anyone attacked him or that the mother and daughter were agents of any kind.

Given that he is judged to be seriously mentally disturbed and to have delusions, my opinion is that his description of this may not be quite consistent with how it actually is.

The state of evidence for a conviction looks good, according to the prosecutor. Among other things, the knife he used comes from another apartment.

A bloody note was also left at the crime scene.

“She was a Russian agent. Slava Ukraini!”

The 26-year-old admitted that he had written it during interrogation. He claims that he brought the note with him so that people would understand that those who possibly murdered him were Russian agents.

In addition, there is a video that captured parts of the sequence of events, and also the knife and traces of blood tie the 26-year-old to the scene.

The man has admitted that he has hurt the women, but believes that he should not bear criminal responsibility.