Prigozhin a Tool of the CIA/SBU or Too Big for his Britches?!

Remember when WaPo said that Prigozhin had made a deal with the SBU?! 🧐💭 Wikipedia has already made an entry on the Wagner Group mutiny! Victoria Nuland is probably orgasming right now (sorry for the visual)!

RT: “A video purportedly filmed in Rostov-on-Don shows a tank and an armored personnel carrier (APC) driving past a group of police officers who are guarding a fuel station. More military hardware, including another tank, another APC, two armored cars and a truck, follow shortly afterwards.”
YouTube: “Wagner with the National Guard & Russian Military [supposedly] TAKE OVER Russian Military HQ In Rostov-on-Don”.
RT: “Video purportedly showing an armed confrontation between Wagner PMC forces and the Russian Army.”

Wagner PMC ‘armed coup’ attempt in Russia: all the latest news

  • 00:22 GMT:
  • The White House has said it is “monitoring the situation” in Russia. President Joe Biden has been informed about the developments, National Security Council spokesperson Adam Hodge told the media. US officials indicated that they consider the situation ‘serious’ and beyond Prigozhin’s previous statements launched against the Russian military leadership in the past, according to CNN.


Coup Plot in Russia? Unfolding Drama

Flash : Salammbô

One thought on “Prigozhin a Tool of the CIA/SBU or Too Big for his Britches?!

  1. Wishlist Nuland is zilch.
    The Russian Ministry of Defense denied the information disseminated on social networks on behalf of Yevgeny Prigozhin about the alleged strike on the “rear camps” of the private military company (PMC) “Wagner”. The official statement of the Ministry of Defense indicates that all these messages and video footage are not true and represent an informational provocation. According to the statement of the Ministry of Defense, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue to carry out combat missions on the line of contact with the armed forces of Ukraine in the area of the special military operation.

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