House Armed Services Committee Passes Amendment to Make it ILLEGAL to Communicate with Military Religious Freedom Foundation!

In an almost inconceivable action, a Christian nationalist GOP congressman, Rep. Mike Turner of Ohio, has introduced legislation to shut MRFF down — to make it ILLEGAL for Department of Defense personnel to even communicate with MRFF!

GOP Congress Disgrace! House Armed Services Committee Passes Amendment to Make it ILLEGAL to Communicate with MRFF!

Moscow diffuses Wagner affair w/Mark Sleboda

This weekend saw a possible march on Moscow by the private military force Wagner group. Western media, politicians and various talking heads – and tails – have put forth their speculations, ranging from an attempted overthrow of the Russian government to a game of 5D chess by Vladimir Putin. To get a reality-based understanding of what happened and what it means going forward, Don DeBar spoke with Moscow-based analyst Mark Sleboda, via Skype, Monday.

KPFK News, June 26, 2023 – Moscow diffuses Wagner affair w/Mark Sleboda via Don DeBar


YouTube: Wagner Boss says invasion of Ukraine is based on LIES as he condemns Military leaders

OSCE Reports Reveal Ukraine Started Shelling The Donbas Nine Days Before Russia’s ‘Special Military Operation’ (2)

Shelling in Donbass brings Europe to brink of war

They Smeared Our Anti-War Rally; Then They Marched Alongside Lockheed Martin


This past February, anti-war organizers had a modest gathering on the steps of the Lincoln memorial to protest against militarism. The Rage Against the War Machine rally as it was called was unique of its kind, as figures from across the political spectrum put aside ideological differences to come together to speak against empire and war. About three thousand people turned out, which is admittedly small compared to antiwar protests in the past. It wasn’t the pictures you see during the Vietnam War protests where bodies are compacted shoulder to shoulder around the entire permitter of the Capitol Reflecting Pool stretching all the way back to the Lincoln monument. Perhaps there wasn’t the same type of publicly or word of mouth enthusiasm behind anti-war events as there once was.

They Smeared Our Anti-War Rally; Then They Marched Alongside Lockheed Martin

H/T: TKR#71: Global Info War and Mass Manipulation with the Grayzone’s Christopher Weaver


Chris Hedges: Building a Left-Right Coalition Against War

Biden won’t protect Palestinian Americans from Israeli attacks

For the second time this year, large numbers of armed Israeli settlers have rampaged through Palestinian communities in the occupied West Bank terrorizing Palestinians in their homes.

Biden won’t protect Palestinian Americans from Israeli attacks

Links behind paywalls:

Israeli settlers torch Palestinian homes and cars to avenge deadly shooting. A Palestinian is killed

You, American taxpayer, are helping to fund Israeli settlements

U.S. Ambassador: We Will Not Stand Idly by and Watch Settler Violence

Israel’s Far-right Finance Minister: ‘I’m a Fascist Homophobe But… I Won’t Stone Gays’

Israel Eases West Bank Settlement Rules, Clearing Way for New Homes