The Anglo-American War on Russia – Part Eight (Targeting Russia)

After the Soviet Union disbanded, Europeans assumed that Russia would be welcomed into the European Union and possibly NATO. The United States blocked these attempts because it needed a villain to justify NATO expansion. It also wanted to break up the powerful Russian Federation so that it could never challenge the American empire again nor protect its vast natural resources from foreign control. The Russian Federation consists of 22 republics where Washington supports secessionist movements with the goal of destabilizing and ultimately dismantling Russia.


Washington’s Plan to Break Up Russia

The Chechens’ American friends

Russia’s Putin: US agents gave direct help to Chechens

European Defense Initiative (PDF)

Founding Act (official NATO-Russian agreement)

Russia Had Zero Influence on Elections Admits Washington Post!

Russiagate was a hoax, with Matt Taibbi

Mainstream media finally calls BS on Russiagate

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Related Tale: “The 2003 Conquest of the Republic of Georgia”

Related Tales: “The Anglo-American War on Russia”

The Anglo-American War on Russia – Part Eight (Targeting Russia) via Tales of the American Empire

One thought on “The Anglo-American War on Russia – Part Eight (Targeting Russia)

  1. The impudent Saxons destroyed the indigenous inhabitants of the Indians to conquer America. They constantly unleash wars in Iraq, Vietnam, Korea, the Arab world and many places throughout history. They decided to supply cluster bombs to destroy the Russians. Yes, and they do not spare their population.

    It’s time to sink the filthy island of England to the bottom and make a strait between Canada and Mexico and call the strait of “Peace” only then will peace come on earth.
    The greed of the impudent Saxons knows no bounds, so they must be destroyed.

    Liked by 1 person

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