Azerbaijan launches operation in Nagorno-Karabakh region

Don DeBar

Azeri forces launched a military operation on Sep 19 in the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region on the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan, resulting in a number of casualties. Armenian state-news agency Armen Press reported:

Azerbaijan launched a bombardment attack against the entire territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, and then started an operation to breach the line of contact to capture positions. Two civilians have been killed, one adult and one child. Another 3 adults and 8 children have been wounded.

Azerbaijan launches operation in Nagorno-Karabakh region

Zelensky to Beg House Speaker McCarthy for More Taxpayer Money, While Biden Bullies Developing Countries to Betray Russia and China

Zelensky arrived in New York on Monday and will head to Washington after the UN General Assembly

House Speaker McCarthy to Meet With Zelensky This Week


Biden urges UN to not abandon Ukraine

Biden’s call was part of his long-running theme to rally democracies against the globe’s rising autocracies. On Tuesday, he went further, implicitly urging developing nations to turn their backs on Russia and China’s autocracies and join an inter-connected, rules-based order promoted by the U.S. and its allies.

Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, skipped the general assembly, as did China’s Xi Jinping, but Beijing’s presence loomed large on the east side of Manhattan. While much of Biden’s speech read as a pitch to the developing world, its true subject was China, although the president tried to publicly downplay tensions with Beijing, as he did just weeks ago at the G20.

Bombs for Bailouts: Pakistan Supplied Weapons to Ukraine in Return for U.S.-Brokered IMF Loan

The Biden administration helped Pakistan get a controversial new bailout from the International Monetary Fund after Pakistan agreed to secretly sell arms to the United States for the war in Ukraine, according to a new blockbuster report by The Intercept. The deal allows Pakistan to sell some $900 million in munitions while keeping IMF loans flowing to the government in Islamabad amid a spiraling economic crisis, which is driven at least partly by the austerity measures imposed by the IMF loan. Pakistan’s position on the war in Ukraine has shifted significantly since Russia’s invasion and the ouster of Prime Minister Imran Khan, who was removed from office in 2022 under pressure from U.S. diplomats who objected to his “aggressively neutral” stance on the war. Khan is now imprisoned in Pakistan on corruption charges. Meanwhile, the caretaker government backed by Pakistan’s powerful military has delayed planned elections, widely seen as an attempt to block Khan’s supporters from power. “When the United States has a primary foreign policy objective, in particular when it’s a war, everything else falls away. That’s what you’re seeing in Pakistan now,” says The Intercept’s Ryan Grim.

Bombs for Bailouts: Pakistan Supplied Weapons to Ukraine in Return for U.S.-Brokered IMF Loan


“U.S. Helped Pakistan Get IMF Bailout With Secret Arms Deal For Ukraine, Leaked Documents Reveal”

Germany passes impossible “green” heating legislation that will cost economy $1 TRILLION

Geopolitical Trends, w/Dr. David Oualaalou

The left-wing government of Germany has passed a controversial new “green” heating law that will force at least 65 percent of all new installed heating systems to be “renewable” energy.

Germany passes impossible “green” heating legislation that will cost economy $1 TRILLION


Germany Heating Law: How the Building Energy Act Became So Controversial

“If we really want to tackle climate change, the state has to interfere more in what had been private issues because we have to change our behavior,” Römmele said.

Germany mandates switch to heating via renewables with Building Energy Act amendment

The focus of the amendment is on new heating systems, as these are used for an average of 20 to 30 years and the government wants to ensure they are low carbon from the outset. Existing heating systems, however, can continue to be operated as before. This is a compromise reached in the legislative process to mitigate the economic hardships otherwise caused by the amendment.

NYT exposes Zelensky lie about Donbass missile strike

An investigation contradicts the Ukrainian president’s claim that a Russian attack killed civilians the same day as a visit by the US secretary of state

NYT exposes Zelensky lie about Donbass missile strike


Evidence Suggests Ukrainian Missile Caused Market Tragedy

Ukrainian army strike on Konstantinovka kills 16 civilians (videos/photos)

Flash : an Atlanticist missile slaughter civilians in Konstantinovka, Donetsk People’s Republic

Military Personnel Seen Wandering Forest Pressing Button On F-35 Key Fob

HUGER, SC — A team of Marines was seen trudging through the woods, stopping every 30 feet to wave a key fob around in a 90° arc, say campers at Francis Marion National Forest. The Marines, who traveled in a tactical column, were allegedly on a mission to locate, close with, and recover the F-35 fighter jet that went missing Sunday evening.

Military Personnel Seen Wandering Forest Pressing Button On F-35 Key Fob


A missing F-35 fighter jet highlights the tragicomedy of military spending

That jet the Marines lost? Taxpayers will pay $1.7 trillion for the F-35 program

Journalists Anxiously Wait For Email From Biden Administration With Today’s Instructions

WASHINGTON, D.C. — As the sun rose on a new day in America, the staunch guardians of free speech and journalistic integrity that is the media eagerly waited for the daily email from the Biden administration to notify them of the day’s official instructions and talking points.

Journalists Anxiously Wait For Email From Biden Administration With Today’s Instructions