“60 Minutes” reveals how US tax dollars are supporting Ukrainian small businesses, farmers, and the salaries of 57,000 first responders

“60 Minutes” reveals how US tax dollars are supporting Ukrainian small businesses, farmers, and the salaries of 57,000 first responders


In Ukraine, American taxpayers funding more than just the military

DFC CEO Travels to Kyiv in Show of Unwavering Support and Makes Several Announcements to Catalyze $1 Billion in Private Sector Engagement

Lindsey Graham is such a psychopath!

After US Resumes Drone Flights, in Niger, France Withdraws Troops

US reaches agreement with Niger’s military leaders to restart drone, crewed aircraft missions at two airbases.

US military resumes drone, crewed aircraft operations in post-coup Niger


Macron Says France Will Withdraw Troops, Ambassador from Niger

US to cut military presence in Niger + Pentagon lied to Congress

At Least Five Members of Niger Junta Were Trained by U.S.

Niger Coup Leader Brig. Gen. Moussa Salaou Barmou Was Trained By The US Military

WSJ conceals Saudi funding of pro-Saudi nuke deal source

The Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday that “Israeli officials are quietly working with the Biden administration on a polarizing proposal to set up a U.S.-run uranium-enrichment operation in Saudi Arabia as part of a complex three-way deal to establish official diplomatic relations between the two Middle Eastern countries,” according to U.S. and Israeli officials.

WSJ conceals Saudi funding of pro-Saudi nuke deal source

NATO Keeps Saying Things NATO Doesn’t Let You Say

There are two things that go off script and are not allowed to be said. Every official statement or mainstream media article that mentions the war in Ukraine must call it an unprovoked war. You are not allowed to say that NATO expansion east, potentially to Ukraine and right up to Russia’s borders, was a provocation, even if you add that it does not justify the war. And you are not allowed to say that it is time for Ukraine to negotiate with Russia and that conceding territory must be on the table. In the past couple of weeks, top NATO officials have said them both.

NATO Keeps Saying Things NATO Doesn’t Let You Say