White House warns of ‘unprecedented’ Serbian troop buildup on Kosovo border

US calls for immediate withdrawal of forces as British troops sent to reinforce Nato peacekeeping force

White House warns of ‘unprecedented’ Serbian troop buildup on Kosovo border


Direct Threat of Resumption of Ethnic Cleansing in Kosovo Exists – Russian Foreign Ministry

There is a direct threat of a resumption of ethnic cleansing, previously practiced by Kosovo Albanian radicals.* We are convinced that the path to stabilization and a long-term settlement in Kosovo runs exclusively through the comprehensive implementation of the cornerstone UN Security Council resolution 1244 and the Brussels agreements of Belgrade and Pristina of 2013 and 2015, primarily in terms of the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities in the region, which should receive broad executive powers and become an effective instrument for protecting the interests of the Serbian population,” the statement read.

*[2001] We created a monster

‘Hunt Forward’ cyber teams have deployed to 24 countries, including Ukraine

The cyber defense teams monito crucial networks in allied countries. US cyber chief Gen. Paul Nakasone also said the NSA is centralizing AI-related missions.

‘Hunt Forward’ cyber teams have deployed to 24 countries, including Ukraine


NSA to stand up AI security center

Securing artificial intelligence entails “protecting AI systems from learning, doing, and revealing the wrong thing,” he said. “We must build a robust understanding of AI vulnerabilities, foreign intelligence threats to these AI systems, and ways to encounter the threat in order to have AI security. We must also ensure that malicious foreign actors can’t steal America’s innovative AI capabilities.”

Asked about AI—including deepfakes—influencing voting in the upcoming 2024 U.S. general election, Nakasone said people need to practice vigilance, and that his team is making sure they “understand the threat techniques of our adversaries”—which the center will help them do

Cyber War and Ukraine

“Faced with unimaginable hatred.” Ukrainian Nazi veteran promised to go to South America

*Short Version, in English: “Faced with unimaginable hatred.” Ukrainian Nazi veteran promised to go to South America

H/T: Nicolas Cinquini

Floor to the defence. Hunka comments on September 28. Brisk but resentful, the 98 year-old alt Kamerad complains that due to the Canadian and international outrage, he is forced to seek refuge with friends in South America.

History, on this day : Babi Yar, September 29, 1941

*Long Version, AI translation:

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Blinken picks up guitar for new US music diplomacy push

He is better known for rallying global support for Ukraine, but US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Wednesday picked up another favorite tool of diplomacy — his guitar.

Blinken picks up guitar for new US music diplomacy push


Secretary Antony J. Blinken At the Launch of the Global Music Diplomacy Initiative

Global Music Diplomacy Initiative

LOL! YouTube even recently auto-generated a ‘topic’, for Blinken, although they’re all older videos. It’s no wonder that Michael McCaul approved, of it, as he introduced the PEACE Through Music Diplomacy Act. Interestingly, the band that Blinken played with is called the Coalition of the Willing. My bet is they use this as a way to implement color revolutions/regime changes!

Oversight Report Finds Several Federal Agencies Are Still Using Clearview’s Facial Recognition Tech

from the look,-we-honestly-thought-no-one-would-keep-asking-questions dept
Thu, Sep 28th 2023 10:41am – Tim Cushing

Two years ago, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released its initial review of federal use of facial recognition tech. That report found that at least half of the 20 agencies examined were using Clearview’s controversial facial recognition tech.

Oversight Report Finds Several Federal Agencies Are Still Using Clearview’s Facial Recognition Tech