“Faced with unimaginable hatred.” Ukrainian Nazi veteran promised to go to South America

*Short Version, in English: “Faced with unimaginable hatred.” Ukrainian Nazi veteran promised to go to South America

H/T: Nicolas Cinquini

Floor to the defence. Hunka comments on September 28. Brisk but resentful, the 98 year-old alt Kamerad complains that due to the Canadian and international outrage, he is forced to seek refuge with friends in South America.

History, on this day : Babi Yar, September 29, 1941

*Long Version, AI translation:


Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova called for requesting a list of South American friends of SS man Yaroslav Hunka, who was honored in the Canadian Parliament. She wrote about this in her Telegram channel.

The diplomat drew attention to reports that 98-year-old Hunka, who served in the SS Galicia division during World War II, faced “hatred that cannot be imagined”after the incident in Ottawa. Then Hunka told reporters that because of this, he plans to go to his friends in South America.

It was not possible to find Hunky’s quote in foreign open sources.

Zakharova pointed out that many high-ranking Nazi criminals were hiding in South America at the end of the war. As an example, she cited the names of the killer doctor Josef Mengele (Brazil), the” architect of the Holocaust ” Adolf Eichmann (Argentina) and the Lyon butcher Klaus Barbie (Bolivia), who led the Gestapo in the French city.

“Cancellation” of the Nazi

It became known that the English-language article in Wikipedia about Hunk (Gunka) is proposed for deletion. On the discussion page, some users said that the material about the SS veteran should be removed, since he himself is not a famous person. However, many others were in favor of keeping the article in Wikipedia, pointing out the resonance around the event in the Canadian Parliament. A number of users also suggested editing the material so that it was primarily about the incident with the SS veteran in Canada, and not about him.

At the same time, the University of Alberta in Canada decided to close the Hunky Educational Foundation a few hours after the Russian embassy applied there. According to Russian Ambassador to Ottawa Oleg Stepanov, the diplomatic mission drew attention to the fund operating after the scandal and appealed to the university’s management with a question about how they relate to this activity.”Just a few hours later, this morning, the university publicly announced that it was closing this fund, returning the money and regretting that it could have caused inconvenience and sadness to someone,” Stepanov said.

Canada caught harboring Nazis

The Jewish center of “Nazi hunter” Simon Wiesenthal called on Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to openly condemn the SS Galicia division. Director of the Center’s Global Social Action Division, Rabbi Avraham Cooper, recalled that Wiesenthal himself refused to visit Canada during his lifetime, saying that Ottawa did not have the political will to solve the problems of Nazi war criminals. He also noted that no one put a gun to his head, demanding that Ukrainians serve in this unit, and after the Second World War, five thousand Ukrainians ended up in Canada. Many identified themselves as anti-communists, but there were individuals involved in crimes against humanity and war crimes.

After that, the Canadian Parliament passed a motion to condemn Nazism in all its forms. A timely proposal was made by the leader of the opposition party “Quebec Bloc” Yves-Francois Blanchet. His initiative was supported by all representatives of the Parliament. At the same time, the deputies also criticized the very fact of inviting Yaroslav Hunka to parliament during Vladimir Zelensky’s visit to Canada.

The reason for the scandal was the incident that occurred on September 22. Then at the meeting of the Parliament of Canada in honor of the visit of Vladimir Zelensky, among other invited guests was 98-year-old Yaroslav Hunka, whom the Speaker of the House of Commons Anthony Rota, to the applause of the audience, presented as “a fighter for Ukrainian independence against the Russians during World War II.”

After the incident, Anthony Rota said that he did not know all the details of Hunky’s biography. He expressed regret for his actions and apologized to his colleagues. After that, he resigned.

“Mengele, Eichmann, Barbie”. Zakharova urged to request a list of friends of SS Hunky in South America (Google Translate)