Grant Shapps to send UK troops to Ukraine

Britain will ramp up its training programme for Ukrainian soldiers under plans being discussed with military chiefs, the new Defence Secretary has disclosed.

In an interview with The Telegraph, Grant Shapps said that he had held talks with Army leaders about moving “more training and production” of military equipment into Ukraine. He also called on more British defence firms to set up factories in Ukraine.

Grant Shapps to ramp up support for Volodymyr Zelensky

CoRpOrAtE MeDiA LiEs AbOuT EvErYtHiNg BuT ChInA 🙄

Damn, that’s hard to type out on my iPad! Anyway, I need to stop reading the comments when watching videos about China! I don’t understand why some people didn’t fall for Russiagate but they fall for Chinagate?! *sigh* FYI, don’t let Epoch Times (Falun Gong), USG, MSM, or even China, tell what you should believe about anything! Or grifting expats, who no longer live in China, and are probably paid by CIA cutouts! Read/Watch more than just Western sources and make up your own mind!



Tiananmen Square

Media Manipulation & Apathy

Congress Proposes $500 Million for Negative News Coverage of China (Passed as the CHIPS and Science Act)

[2013] Cultural Exchange and the Cold War: How the West Won

Cultural Exchange and the Cold War: How the West Won (archived)

There are many theories of why Soviet communism collapsed and the Cold War ended. Here are a few of them to consider:

That is a claim also made by a former Hungarian ambassador to Washington, Andras Simonyi*, who led a rock band in Budapest during the Cold War. In a talk titled “How Rock Music Helped Bring Down the Iron Curtain,” delivered at the Rock ‘n Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Simonyi said, ”Rock ‘n roll, culturally speaking, was a decisive element in loosening up communist societies and bring them closer to the world of freedom.”


*Wikipedia-András Simonyi:

He plays guitar in the rock band, The Coalition of the Willing (est.2003) with top rated U.S. guitarist Jeff “Skunk” Baxter (Steely Dan, Doobie Brothers) which has Secretary of State Tony Blinken (guitar, vocals) as a regular guest.

Blinken picks up guitar for new US music diplomacy push

US has close partnership with Takfiri terrorists in Syria, says President Assad

President Bashar al-Assad says foreign-sponsored Takfiri terrorists are operating in areas of northeast Syria controlled by US occupation forces, stating that Washington has built up a close and strong partnership with militants wreaking havoc across the country.

US has close partnership with Takfiri terrorists in Syria, says President Assad


Exclusive interview with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad

Chunk’s Not in It to Win It!

That is, if he can even run?!* 🤷🏼‍♀️

Full Video

Cenk Uygur is So Frustrated By Biden’s Lagging Poll Numbers That He’s Staffing Up for a 2024 Run

UYGUR: So how do we get past that? That’s why I’m desperate enough to think, maybe I should do it. And I’ll tell you why. Because let’s say that somebody like me gets in the race. The Democratic voters are dying for an alternative. They keep saying every poll, for God’s sake, give us someone else. Give us someone else. If someone like me were to get the 20 points, do you have any idea how quick Newsom and Whitmer would enter the race?


Mr. President: You’re Going to Lose to Trump. We’re Begging You to Step Down

*Natural-born-citizen clause (United States)

Senator Warren accuses Pentagon appointees of using position for “personal profit”

Sen. Elizabeth Warren sent a letter to the Pentagon Wednesday with ethics concerns with the office dedicated to private funding defense technology.

The OSC’s two special government employees work at WestExec Advisors* and New Vista Capital — two firms that work on defense and technology consulting.

Senator Warren accuses Pentagon appointees of using position for “personal profit”


WestExec Advisors LLC is a consulting firm founded in 2017 by Antony Blinken [State Department], Michèle Flournoy, Sergio Aguirre, and Nitin Chadda, all former Obama administration officials. Lisa Monaco, Robert O. Work, Avril Haines [DNI], David S. Cohen [CIA], and Jen Psaki have also been WestExec employees.


How Biden’s Foreign-Policy Team Got Rich