Another Communist leader, Georgi Buiko, arrested in Ukraine

This is the “democracy” and “freedom” that our tax dollars are supporting! 🤬

Mikhail and Aleksander Kononovich with Georgy Buiko.*

On Aug. 16, Ukraine’s secret police force—the SBU, or Security Service of Ukraine—announced it had arrested Georgi Buiko, a veteran Communist Party member and leader of the Ukrainian Anti-Fascist Committee. Officials accused him of participating in “anti-Ukrainian activities” and of possessing communist and “pro-Kremlin” publications in his home.

Another Communist leader, Georgi Buiko, arrested in Ukraine


*That story will be depends on us – Mikhail Kononovich:

On October 5, 2023 would have been held the hearing process to Georgy Buiko, the anti-fascist Ukrainian accused of “violent change of the territorial integrity of Ukraine”, according to article 110 of the criminal code of ukraine.

As in the case of the trial to the brothers Mikhail and Aleksander Kononovich, on this occasion, the hearing has been postponed due to the absence of the public prosecutor.

Over the proclamations of politicians, in the noise of the western propaganda, there is an Ukraine that resists.

Under the thunderous applause of the governments that bow down to the veterans of the SS, there is a silence that silence is not, capable of producing a sound that stirs the conscience.

It is from the past, from the steppes to the East, up to the mountains of our land, are the words of all our comrades who are persecuted in Ukraine, and today they are the words of Mikhail Kononovich that urges us to go forward:

“I never imagined becoming a partisan in my Country and fighting the nazi invaders and their collaborators schemes Poroshenko-Zelensky.
We read books on the struggle of the communists and of the immigrants of the anti-fascist resistance during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 in the USSR. We were amazed by their strength and their courage. Each of us thought to himself: I could endure the torture, not to betray my comrades and go out to meet the death without giving up? I thought that I probably would not have been able to, I doubted like any normal person.

But it is the time of our tests, our struggle, and this is not a book or a story, it is our reality and our struggle. Now we ourselves can become a book or a story, and what kind of story will be depends on us!

When is the moment of truth, neither I nor my brother Sasha we did not give up and we do not have betrayed, I don’t even know where it came from, this strength. In a beautiful moment, there is no more fear, and even hate, there is only a huge contempt for the enemies. They become mean-spirited and weak as mice, you are strong and confident in the correctness of your idea. Believe me, comrades, there is no more fear of death, not afraid to die for a just cause, and these are not the words full of pathos, is the pure truth.

When we have beaten to blood and they told us that we would have been killed, I had only one thought: to die with honor as a communist, not to beg, and not disonorarci, accept your death with pride as a communist and not surrender to the enemy.


Is this what you think in the last minutes before death.
Everyone does his best in his own field of work and struggle!
Don’t worry, you are doing a great job!
Thanks to all of you mates for your help!”