Donbass Humanitarian Aid: Очистители воздуха для детей // Air Purifiers for kids



Daily shelling of Donetsk continues. Many kindergartens are currently closed due to the bombing. Parents are forced to take their children to safe areas. We visited one of these kindergartens. Our foundation purchased 11 air purifiers for children’s rooms. We also brought clothes, toys and sweets for the kids. Thank you for your support! // Ежедневные обстрелы Донецка продолжаются. Многие детские сады в настоящее время закрыты из-за бомбежек. Родители вынуждены отвозить детей в безопасные районы. Мы посетили один из таких детских садов. Наш фонд приобрел 11 очистителей воздуха для детских помещений. Мы также привезли одежду, игрушки и сладости для детей. Большое спасибо всем за поддержку!

Очистители воздуха для детей // Air Purifiers for kids

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: Pentagon working to restore benefits to veterans targeted for being LGBTQ+

The Pentagon began a new effort to contact former service members who may have been forced out of the military and deprived of years of benefits due to policies targeting their sexual orientation, starting with those who served under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: Pentagon working to restore benefits to veterans targeted for being LGBTQ+

Donetsk is on fire – Ukraine hammers Donetsk with western supplied munitions


Definitely the biggest attack in months, Ukraine hammered Donetsk with Western-supplied munitions, perhaps not to be undone by events in Gaza. Unfortunately, we can report on 20 injured including 3 journalists whom we know personally and 3 civilians dead. may they RIP

Donetsk is on fire – Ukraine hammers Donetsk with western supplied munitions


Two people killed, 14 wounded in Kiev artillery fire at DPR over 24 hours

Fire In Donetsk: Ukrainian Terrorists Attack Civilians With Cluster Munitions