Armed security forces surround Ukrainian monastery that is home to hundreds of orphans (+VIDEO)

Security forces brandishing machine guns cordoned off a Ukrainian Orthodox monastery in western Ukraine yesterday, to check documents and people, allegedly part of “security” measures.

Armed security forces surround Ukrainian monastery that is home to hundreds of orphans (+VIDEO)


Security forces with machine guns cordon off the Bancheny Monastery

“Shame!” Thousands of devotees push back security forces from UOC Monastery

The US has a long history of interfering in the Orthodox Church

State Dept. May Well Be Trying to Abrogate the Fourth Geneva Convention, Turning Gaza and the West Bank into Free-Fire Zones

Today, I followed up on my questioning from Wednesday.

Again, the State Department would not say directly if they recognized the Fourth Geneva Convention as applying to the West Bank and Gaza.

State Dept. May Well Be Trying to Abrogate the Fourth Geneva Convention, Turning Gaza and the West Bank into Free-Fire Zones

Wait?! WTF?! Shoot anything that moves?! 😳


Vietnam Free Fire Zones – Anything That Moved Within Was Attacked And Destroyed

After all of these steps had been completed, the areas would be declared Free Fire Zones. Anything that was seen moving in these areas day or night was subject to attack by any and all forces that could be brought to bear.

The Grim Prospects of US Proxies: Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan

By Brian Berletic

Source: New Eastern Outlook

As Russia’s special military operation (SMO) approaches two years of intense fighting, having parried Ukraine’s “spring counteroffensive” and with the initiative shifting to Russian forces, Western capitals are now admitting they are reaching the limits to remaining support for Kiev.

The Grim Prospects of US Proxies: Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan

Why America Is Out of Ammunition

This chart is from the Government Accountability Office’s recent report on the Department of Defense’s lack of strategy around corporate mergers. Bow down before Powerpoint you peasants.

Today, as the U.S. is drawn into wars in Israel and Ukraine, as well as the defense of now-peaceful Taiwan, I’m writing about war. Not the policy choices, or whether U.S. military power is a net force for good or ill, but the actual practical machinery behind the American defense base that produces the weaponry necessary to sustain the military.

Why America Is Out of Ammunition

Where Are the Tears?

When Benjamin Netanyahu boasts of “hellfire” being rained down on Gaza, he is correct. “Hellfire” has rained down on Gaza creating one of the worst humanitarian crises in recent memory. But what Israel’s prime minister gets wrong is that this crisis dates back long before Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack. Hell on earth has been the reality in Gaza since 2005 when the territory’s population of more than 2 million had its movement and freedom restricted as the Israelis began a blockade of the land that limited the amount of fuel, food, medicine and water that the Gazans could access.

Where Are the Tears?