Ukraine War Awareness: Cope Cages, etc

So, it’s very ironic that, when Israel, one of the most powerful militaries in the world, and definitely a regional super power, puts Anti-Drone Grenade Cages on their Merkava IV Tanks, I don’t see anybody on Twitter laughing.. And yet, the Israeli Armor still gets damaged, by tiny home-made quadrocopter drones.

So, why isn’t anyone from NAFO calling Israel “Cope Cages”? Israel is failing with Tanks against a much weaker opponent than Russian Tanks did in the first initial invasion wave in February 2022, so where’s the laughter on X, Reddit, and Twitter? Because it’s Anti-Russian BIAS for the SAKE of Anti-Russian Bias…

What people don’t realize is truly how the media (and how it’s actually PAID / SPONSORED WESTERN ORGANIZATIONS that Promote content that would otherwise be called as “Russian Basement Trolls” (examples of this include channels such as Kings & Generals, owned by the N.E.D. – National Endowment for Democracy).

With other CIA funded Mainstream Media that’s being advertised by YouTube (if you don’t have AdBlocker, you would see a MASSIVE AMOUNT of Ads showing how poor Israel suffered catastrophic losses, these Ads would play AFTER the Hospital Bombing Incident and more)..

This is why we need to do OUR OWN RESEARCH for BOTH SIDES ALWAYS… ALL Media’s Lie, but if a person researches both sides, at least that said person can make their own conclusion, because studying Sources from Both Sides, has a hint of the truth and dual perspective, instead of a single sighted bias that prevent MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING.

The prevention of this mutual understanding, with the media’s promoting this, that are sponsored by many foundations, including the Soros Foundation, Clinton Foundation, and the N.E.D. that pour BILLIONS of USD (Dollars) to incite HATRED and RACISM through the media to the people..

The West right now NEEDS to Divide & Conquer Area’s of important Assets for Arms Industry Business. And that’s EXACTLY what The Collective West is doing right now, not only in Ukraine and Palestine, not only Taiwan and China, but there are two goals for The Collective West:

– 1. “Contain” the Economic Growth of Countries it deems as “Threats to Democracy” when in reality, more than half of those countries the US targets, the people within them, live more freely than we do in the West (I live in NYC my entire life. This means to surround China completely via Asian Countries by fueling their “Democratic Values & Elections” in Thailand (Summer Election), Singapore (Cut Deals with Chinese Railway Projects), Vietnam (attempted), Philippines (Currently for new bases), and of course, the Military Bases in Japan, South Korea, and attempts at new Pro-Western installed leaders of Asian countries,


– 2. IMPORTANT: The MAIN OBJECTIVE OF MAINSTREAM MEDIA COVERAGE by above mentioned sponsors is to CREATE HATE!!! IT ALREADY HAS CREATED RUSSOPHOBIA, Now it’s working on creating hatred towards the ENTIRE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE (The Media’s choose their words carefully, so that they “blame only Hamas” but in reality are causing Islamophobia).

War – Politics – Geopolitics – and the Psychological Informational Warfare waged right now worldwide – are very complex topics.. (Hence why I at the moment do not make videos, it is too complex to break down to a point of where an average person would be willing to listen to it without automatically judging a book by it’s cover and calling it “Russian Propaganda” and “Anti-Jewish Sentiment”..

All I say to my Twitter friends, is to NOT laugh at Israel for having a lot of armor destroyed by a much weaker opponent, and for that reason, to NOT laugh at Russia, and take a moment to breathe, and reflect back, on “Is Russia truly Running out of ammo?” – “Is Russia truly Collapsing?” – “Is Russia truly “isolated” from the entire world?”

These are VERY COMPLEX Topics, and I urge all people who want to truly understand what is going on through the fog of war, to start researching the sources that are branded as “Propaganda” by mainstream (i.e. Russian Media that was banned in the West FIRST – Russia banning Western Media IN RESPONSE – a complete Violation of America’s 1st Amendment of Free Speech)..

Our TRUE DEMOCRACY is on its last tipping point, and unless the Western World WAKES UP, we will all VERY SOON suffer the UNFORESEEN CONSEQUENCES (that actually are foreseen, but is branded as “lies” and “Disinformation”). I urge people to study what China has to say, what Russia has been saying, what Iran has been saying, through their sources, they have English variants, or there’s always Google Translate.

That’s what these recent events and images of Israeli Armor mean to me… Join the conversation and break it down with us on our Discord Server, our main Platform for the time being until I start making Debunking Video’s again.

Ukraine War Awareness

2 thoughts on “Ukraine War Awareness: Cope Cages, etc

  1. This is the kind of stuff that compells people to speak up about the inaccuracies in western news reporting. If they would only represent their narratives in a balanced way none of us would be up in arms about any of it. Thank you for this post.

    Liked by 1 person

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