South African solidarity with Palestine

A large billboard has gone up in Johannesburg, South Africa – calling Israel out for what has been called by many its genocide, occupation and ethnic cleansing. South Africa has long been a stronghold of Palestinian solidarity within the African continent. The situation in Gaza and the West Bank resonates deeply with South Africans, who see parallels between Israeli military law and apartheid in South Africa. Many South African activists have participated in delegations to Palestinian territories and continue to raise their voices. From Nelson Mandela to Desmond Tutu to Julius Malema to Mandla Mandela – some of South Africa’s most prominent and admired figures have spoken out consistently against Zionism and Israeli settler-colonialism in Gaza and the West Bank.

African Stream

UN Special Rapporteur: Israel can’t claim ‘right of self-defence’

Vanessa Beeley

Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories, has said that Israel cannot claim the right of ‘self-defence’ under international law because Gaza is a territory which it occupies. Her comments came in a speech to the National Press Club in Canberra, Australia.

UN Special Rapporteur: Israel can’t claim ‘right of self-defence’


Israel Continues Ops in Gaza, Storms Hospital – US Continues Arming IDF

The New Atlas

Update on Israeli military operations in Gaza for November 15, 2023…

– Israeli forces have stormed Gaza’s largest hospital, claiming Hamas fighters are hiding in/beneath the facility;

– Israeli tactics appear to deliberately maximize regional and international outrage;

– The violence is aimed at pressuring regional governments to take action and trigger a series of conflicts that allow the US to reassert a previous conflict-based “security architecture” on the region;

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ADL Director sounds alarm over lack of support for Israel among ‘Gen Z’

Disclaimer: The views expressed herein are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of Ms. Cat’s Chronicles.

ADL Director sounds alarm over lack of support for Israel among ‘Gen Z’

Greenblatt’s action plan to combat what he calls anti-Jewish “disinformation” has taken many forms but, so far, appears to focus primarily on the suppression of free speech on social media. In a joint press call on Nov 8th, Greenblatt joined several US politicians to gameplan a way to “combat terrorists and disinformation” on “China-owned” TikTok. During the call, U.S. Representatives Josh Gottheimer, and Don Bacon formally announced the “Stopping Terrorists Online Presence and Holding Accountable Tech Entities Act,” known as the STOP HATE Act.

The legislation seeks to impose a fine of $5 million a day for any tech company that fails to adequately “fight disinformation” or refuses to submit lists of terms of service violations made by users. It also hopes to force TikTok to register as a foreign agent and clamp down on Al Jazeera for its reporting of humanitarian issues in Gaza.

In March, a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for police documents revealed that Florida-based law enforcement was taking direction and colluding with the ADL on how to curb First Amendment-protected activities. The communications between the department’s police chief and Florida ADL Director, Yael Hirschfeld, appeared to scold police brass for releasing prominent influencer Jon “Handsome Truth” Minadeo.


Days After Saying ‘Every Jewish Person is a Zionist,’ ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt Says Anti-Zionist Jews are a ‘Hate Group’

Just three days after Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt went on MSNBC to declare that “anti-Zionism is genocide” because “every Jewish person is a Zionist,” Greenblatt put out a new statement labeling the anti-Zionist Jews who protested at the Capitol a “hate group.”

Days After Saying ‘Every Jewish Person is a Zionist,’ ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt Says Anti-Zionist Jews are a ‘Hate Group’

Israel: What We Are Doing in Gaza, We Can Do in Beirut

The Israeli Defense Minister threatened to launch a war in Lebanon that would resemble the military operations in Gaza. Israeli forces have waged a brutal assault and blockade of the enclave. Tel Aviv’s bombing has killed over 11,000 Palestinian civilians, including 4,000 children. The White House is concerned that if Israel goes to war in Lebanon, it will provoke a wider conflict involving the US.

Israel: What We Are Doing in Gaza, We Can Do in Beirut

Is Bibi going for Greater Israel?!