Washington Prepares New Color Revolutions

The Washington-based International Center for Nonviolent Conflict recently released another playbook on color revolutions, called Fostering a Fourth Democratic Wave: A Playbook for Countering the Authoritarian Threat. This center continues the tradition of intervening in the internal affairs of foreign countries in the manner of Gene Sharp, Bruce Ackerman, and other theorists of protest political actions and movements. It should be noted that the executive director of this Center is now Ivan Marovic, one of the leaders of Yugoslav Otpor, who played a key role in the overthrow of Slobodan Milosevic.

Washington Prepares New Color Revolutions


YouTube: Decolonizing Russia: A Moral and Strategic Imperative (Removed from US Helsinki Commission’s website)

Decolonizing Russia: Witness Biographies (PDF)

New CIA Color Revolution Playbook Out

Color Revolution – Regime Change Keywords

Biden’s America is now losing three wars simultaneously.

Because of Joe Biden’s career-long consistent neoconservatism — he never met a U.S. invasion or coup that he didn’t didn’t like and didn’t assist to happen — he is losing all three of America’s current wars, and each one of them (each of which he inherited from the prior Administrations, because at least since 1980 all U.S. Presidents have been neocons) is a proxy-war by a U.S. client-state or “colony” against an enemy that the U.S. Government has long wanted to “regime-change” (i.e., to take control over):

Biden’s America is now losing three wars simultaneously.

H/T: Unorthodox Truth

Putin Was Declared A War Criminal For *Relocating* The Same Number Of Children Israel Just *Killed*

It’s probably worth noting at this point in history that the total number of children killed in Gaza has just surpassed the number of children the International Criminal Court indicted Russian president Vladimir Putin for relocating out of a war zone.

Putin Was Declared A War Criminal For *Relocating* The Same Number Of Children Israel Just *Killed*

H/T: Unorthodox Truth

Neo-Nazi Blood Tribe marches in downtown Madison; leaders respond

A neo-Nazi group protested in downtown Madison Saturday afternoon from the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus to the state capitol building, carrying flags with swastikas and shouting antisemitic rhetoric.

Neo-Nazi group marches in downtown Madison; leaders respond


Who are “Blood Tribe” and what were they doing in Madison?

Armed Neo-Nazis With Swastika Flags Disrupt Wisconsin Pride Event

Democrats Beg for Calm in Chicago Over Escalating Israel-Hamas Protests

CHICAGO — Chicago has long been held up by Democrats as a blend of diversity, progressive policies and a union stronghold, which made it a natural host city for the party’s 2024 presidential nominating convention. But escalating tensions over the war between Israel and Hamas are disrupting the city and dividing Democrats as they prepare to show unity in nominating the president to a second term next summer.

Israel-Hamas protests disrupt life in Democrats’ convention city


Israel-Palestine war: Former State Department official Seldowitz arrested after ‘racist’ tirade

Israel-Palestine war: Former State Department official Seldowitz arrested after ‘racist’ tirade

“I regret the whole thing happened and I’m sorry,” he said, before adding: “If I had to do it all over again, I would not have raised the religious aspect.”


Before viral Islamophobic rant, ex-Obama official harassed women, Russian diplomat’s dog