President Maduro to Guyana’s President Ali: You Are Opening the Door to the Devil

President Maduro to Guyana’s President Ali: You Are Opening the Door to the Devil

The Venezuelan president then touched on the International Court of Justice (ICJ). He explained to Ali that going to this court of the United Nations to resolve the dispute over the Essequibo must arise from the will of both states, Guyana and Venezuela, as indicated in the 1966 Geneva Agreement, and Venezuela does not recognize this court’s right to rule on the Essequibo claim.

At that moment, Maduro brought out the list of the 119 countries that do not recognize the ICJ. As he unfolded the paper, Maduro looked at the faces of some representatives of those nations present in the room. “You, Bahamas, here you are on the list; you do not recognize that International Court,” Maduro said looking at the face of Philip Davis, prime minister of that Caribbean island. “You, Mr. Keith (Rowley), you don’t recognize the ICJ either,” he said the prime minister of Trinidad and Tobago. The president closed the roll call with Irfaan Ali, whose nation likewise does not recognize the ICJ, although they went to it, in 2018, to ask it to rule on the “legal validity” of the 1899 Paris Arbitral Award, a document that placed Essequibo in the possession of Guyana which, at that time, was a British colony. Essequibo has been part of Venezuela since 1777, when the Captaincy General was founded, according to certified texts.

Near-final results confirm populist victory in Serbia while the opposition claims fraud

BELGRADE, Serbia (AP) — An early official vote count of Serbia’s weekend election on Monday confirmed victory for the ruling populist party in a parliamentary vote in the Balkan country, but political tensions rose over reported irregularities in the capital, Belgrade.

Near-final results confirm populist victory in Serbia while the opposition claims fraud

I call BS on the ‘irregularities’!


CeSID links:

Freedom House, Open Society Fund, United States Institute for Peace, National Endowment for Democracy, Rockfeller Brothers Fund, Swedish Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, National Democratic Institute, Westminster Foundation for Democracy (UK Gov), Olof Palme International Center, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, IREX: International Research & Exchanges Board (Ford Foundation, US State Department), European Commission.

‘Independent’ Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability:

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