Wisconsin Republicans unveil restrictive state-run medical marijuana plan

Wisconsin Republicans unveil restrictive state-run medical marijuana plan

Wisconsinites would need a doctor’s diagnosis to meet a list of numerous conditions: 

  • Cancer, HIV or AIDS, seizures and epilepsy, post-traumatic stress disorder, Alzheimer’s disease, glaucoma, severe chronic pain (tightly defined in the legislation), severe chronic nausea, severe muscle spasms, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, chronic motor or vocal tic disorder, Tourette syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, any terminal illness with a probable life expectancy of less than one year
  • A state pharmacist would then prescribe the amount of medical marijuana in various forms, excluding smoking.
  • According to the proposal:
  • Medical cannabis concentrates, oils, tinctures, edibles, pills, topical forms, gels, creams, vapors, patches, liquids, or forms administered by a nebulizer.

Basically, you have to be near death! 🙄

Wisconsin congressman after visiting southern border: ‘We need to restart border wall construction’

Original source.

Whitewater’s police chief sent President Biden a letter asking for resources to help with 800 to 1,000 immigrants now living in the city since 2022 – specifically from Nicaragua and Venezuela.

Wisconsin congressman after visiting southern border: ‘We need to restart border wall construction’

Notice that he mentioned two countries that are sanctioned and that the USG has been trying to destabilize for years?! I uploaded the video on human trafficking, to Rockford, last week.

China’s Game in Gaza: How Beijing Is Exploiting Israel’s War to Win Over the Global South

Foreign Affairs so, yes, it has a bias. Author Mark Leonard

Still there are some points of interest. One obvious point made is the lamentable state of US diplomacy. Perhaps better acknowledged as non existent.

China’s Game in Gaza: How Beijing Is Exploiting Israel’s War to Win Over the Global South

The USG is doing a good enough job of ruining its reputation, on the international stage, but let’s blame China! 🤦🏼‍♀️