US: Not Ready for the Big Leagues

Not Ready for the Big Leagues

To prosecute war against Russia, China, or Iran, protection of the major forward bases of the United States Air Force would be the prerequisite upon which success would be predicated.

To adequately cover even one of these large airbases against missile strikes of just 100-200 units of high-performance drones, cruise-missiles, ballistic missiles, and hypersonic missiles — plus numerous decoys — would easily require an entire Patriot battalion.

Even with a 100% interception rate, a pair of 100-missile strike packages over the course of a day would still compel a PAC-3 burn rate of at least 300 missiles, given that, as a general rule, two PAC-3 missiles are launched at every incoming target.

But of course, the interception rate would be considerably lower than 100%. And given that the Patriot command, radar, and launcher units — along with missile storage sites — would be primary targets, there would be a substantial attrition rate of the highly immobile Patriot systems themselves. (The Russians have already clearly demonstrated the vulnerability of the Patriot systems to counter-battery missile strikes. At least three Patriot batteries have been destroyed in Ukraine.)

In an attempt to cover just three large airbases against a series of salvos of 100+ missiles of various types, the entire US stockpile of PAC-3 interceptors could very conceivably be exhausted in little more than a week or two.

Current annual production could easily be consumed in little more than a day or two.

This is the reality of 21st century high-intensity conflict against an adversary with the capability to shoot back — a kind of war for which the United States military is woefully ill-prepared, both materially and doctrinally.

Israel Has Bought a Mass Online Influence System

Defense, intelligence and civilian bodies realized soon after October 7 they were losing the online battle to what sources call Hamas’ ‘well-oiled psychological and information warfare machine.’ So they quietly purchased digital tools to fight disinformation, despite fears of future political misuse.

Israel Has Bought a Mass Online Influence System

Israel’s stepping up their hasbara and censorship.

Yemeni parliament places Israeli entity, American and British regimes at top of terrorist list

SANA’A January 20. 2024(Saba) -The House of Representatives renewed its support for what was stated in the speech of the leader of the revolution, al-Sayyed Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, regarding confronting the continuing American attacks on the capabilities of the Yemeni people.

The House of Representatives appreciated the honorable positions of the leader of the revolution that expressed the aspirations of the Yemeni people to support Al-Aqsa and the Palestinian cause.

In the context of their discussions, the representatives stressed that it is ironic for America to describe its opponents as terrorists, which the head of evil and terrorism in the world, stressing that the Israeli occupation entity and the American-British regimes placed at the top of the list of terrorism.

The Council reaffirmed Sana’a’s keenness on the security of maritime navigation and that it would only target Israeli ships or those heading to ports in occupied Palestine.


Yemeni parliament places Israeli entity, American and British regimes at top of terrorist list

Another Zionist assassination in Damascus next to South African Embassy

Another Zionist assassination in Damascus next to South African Embassy

The IRGC announced the martyrdom of 4 of its advisors in Syria, including the head of intelligence in Syria and his deputy:

– Hojatollah Omidvar

– Ali Aqazadeh

– Hossein Mohammadi

– Saeed Karimi

Additional Syrians were murdered in the attack, alongside uninvolved civilians. Severe damage to civilian property was caused in the Israeli aggression on the Syrian capital.

The attack was in Western Villas, central Damascus close to the UN and other Embassies. This is a high security area.

Vanessa Beeley


Four IRGC advisors assassinated in Israeli aggression on Syria

Iranian Revolutionary Guards Killed in Israeli Strike on Damascus