Reading Update 03-11-2024a


I just finished listening to two Chapters of Capitalism and Disability and reading one chapter of The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State.

2 thoughts on “Reading Update 03-11-2024a

  1. Wow Ms. Cat, two things.

    You must be just wildly fun at a cocktail party when you break-in with “As a Capitalist I became disabled because my private property was taken by the state and given to my family. The bastards!”

    You must be on wayyyy better drugs than Tubularsock can get from his street guy to put up with that type of reading.

    Tubularsock concentrates his reading on old issues of Mad Magazine for solace. It has always placed the world we live in in its proper perspective.

    Just sayin’.

    Cheerio ………

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