The Protectionists, the Free Traders and the Working Class


The protectionists have never protected small industry, handicraft proper. Have Dr. List and his school in Germany by any chance demanded protective tariffs for the small linen industry, for hand loom-weaving, for handicraft production? No, when they demanded protective tariffs they did so only in order to oust handicraft production with machines and patriarchal industry with modern industry. In a word, they wish to extend the dominion of the bourgeoisie, and in particular of the big industrial capitalists. They went so far as to proclaim aloud the decline and fall of small industry and the petty bourgeoisie, of small farming and the small peasants, as a sad but inevitable and, as far as the industrial development of Germany is concerned, necessary occurrence.

The Protectionists, the Free Traders and the Working Class

Quotes by Lenin to reflect on and some updates

I needed some inspiration.

The more democratic the system of government is, the clearer it will be to the workers that the root of the evil is not the lack of rights, but capitalism.

Vladimir Lenin

Under capitalism democratism is restricted, cramped, curtailed, mutilated by all the conditions of wage slavery and of the poverty and misery of the masses.

Democracy for an insignificant minority, democracy for the rich: this is the democratism of capitalist society

Vladimir Lenin, The State and Revolution


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