18+: PSYOP Operation Launched To Convince Public That Terrorists In Moscow Were Muslims

PSYOP Operation Launched To Convince Public That Terrorists In Moscow Were Muslims

The main voice of American propaganda, CNN reported that ‘since November, there has been “fairly specific” information that ISIS in Afghanistan wanted to carry out terrorist attacks in Russia. US intelligence warned Russia about this’.

Meanwhile, Ukrainians began phone terror. They are using fake numbers to call the 112 hotline number in order to sow panic. Mass fake calls claim alleged shootings and armed attacks in different public places, including shopping centers, schools etc.

H/T: Digital Empire


UPDATED 18+: Large Terrorist Attack In Crowded Concert Building In Moscow

Terror Attack Crocus City Hall- Moscow

Lawmaker Who Led TikTok Ban Bill Joins Private Surveillance Firm

Lawmaker Who Led TikTok Ban Bill Joins Private Surveillance Firm

Republican Rep. Mike Gallagher, who led the charge on a bill that could effectively ban TikTok within the country — on the basis that China can “surveil its users” — plans to take up a post with the American surveillance company and defense contractor Palantir, Forbes reported.

Gallagher, who currently chairs the Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, was the lead sponsor on the bill that would force TikTok’s Chinese parent company ByteDance to sell the popular social media platform within six months or face a potential ban from app stores and web-hosting services.

After the vote, Palantir executive Jacob Helberg, who also serves on the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, called on his social media followers to fund opponents to lawmakers who voted no on the bill to ban TikTok. Gallagher worked with Helberg in recent months as part of an effort to build bipartisan, bicoastal support of the bill. Helberg took a job at Palantir as a senior policy advisor to CEO Alex Karp back in August.



The United States–China Economic and Security Review Commission (informally, the U.S.–China Commission, USCC) is an independent agency of the United States government. It was established on October 30, 2000, through the Floyd D. Spence National Defense Authorization Act.

On Vladimir Lenin and Music

I was just looking into the origin of this quote by Lenin, which led me to look up The Internationale on Apple Music (YouTube). While doing so, I found this album, History of the Soviet Union in Ballad and Song, Vol. 1 (YouTube). Anyway, I’m still tired, so going back to sleep.


Maxim Gorky: V. I. Lenin

…Listening to Beethoven’s sonatas played by Isai Dobrowein at the home of Y. P. Peshkova in Moscow one evening, Lenin remarked:

“I know of nothing better than the Appassionata and could listen to it every day. What astonishing, superhuman music! It always makes me proud, perhaps naively so, to think that people can work such miracles!”
Wrinkling up his eyes, he smiled rather sadly, adding:

“But I can’t listen to music very often, it affects my nerves. I want to say sweet, silly things and pat the heads of people who, living in a filthy hell, can create such beauty. One can’t pat anyone on the head nowadays, they might bite your hand off. They ought to be beaten on the head, beaten mercilessly, although ideally we are against doing any violence to people. Hm-what a hellishly difficult job!”

Lenin – Theoretician of Practice

Listening to My Dance Playlist

ALBA-TCP Condemns Interventionist Comments by US SOUTHCOM Head

The executive secretary of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-People’s Trade Agreement (ALBA-TCP), Jorge Arreaza, repudiated the statements of the head of the United States Southern Command (US SOUTHCOM), Laura Richardson. Arreza condemned her statements as interventionist and warlike.

ALBA-TCP Condemns Interventionist Comments by US SOUTHCOM Head

H/T: Chicago ALBA Solidarity