Over 100 candidates for the European Parliament Pledge to Support Tibet

Brussels: “Europe for Tibet” a campaign launched in the European Parliament on 9 April 2024 ahead of the 6-9 June European election has now concluded after exceeding its target to garner more than 100 pledges from candidates to support Tibet in the European Parliament if elected. A total of 115 candidates from 16 EU member states have committed to defend the fundamental freedom of the Tibetan people. In addition, a number of political parties have responded to questionnaires taking a position on a number of Tibet-related issues.

Over 100 candidates for the European Parliament Pledge to Support Tibet


Canadian MPs unanimously reject China’s sovereignty over Tibet

US lawmakers pass Tibet policy bill that questions China’s claims over region

The Albert Einstein Institution: non-violence according to the CIA

In 1989, when the Albert Institution became well known, Gene Sharp began to advice anticommunist movements. He participated in the establishment of Burma’s Democratic Alliance – a coalition of notable anticommunists that quickly joined the military government – and Taiwan’s Progressive Democratic Party – which favored the independence of the island from communist China, something U.S. officially opposed. He also unified the Tibetan opposition under Dalai Lama and tried to form a dissident group within PLO so that Palestinian nationalists would stop terrorism [4] (he made the necessary arrangements with Colonel Reuven Gal, [5] director of the Psychological Action division of the Israeli armed forces, to train them secretly in the American Embassy in Tel Aviv).

History: Tibet