US To Convert Pacific Oil Rigs Into Floating Targets for China

US To Convert Pacific Oil Rigs Into Military Bases as Part of Anti-China Buildup



In December 1999, the Office of Naval Research (ONR) in response to a congressional mandate issued a report which delineated the impracticality of MOBs, “the largest floating offshore structure ever conceived by maritime engineers”, on the grounds of high cost and vulnerability to threats such as missile attack.


Whac-A-Mole is fun!

SECNAV Del Toro Meets with Wisconsin Governor, Michigan Cabinet, and Leadership of Fincantieri Marinette Marine

April 17, 2024

Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro and senior members of his staff met with Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers, members of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s cabinet, and the leadership of Fincantieri Marinette Marine to coalesce federal, state, and local initiatives to ensure timely completion and delivery of the Constellation-class frigate.

SECNAV Del Toro Meets with Wisconsin Governor, Michigan Cabinet, and Leadership of Fincantieri Marinette Marine


Constellation Frigate Delivery Delayed 3 Years, Says Navy

‘Desperate’ US Seeks Japan’s & South Korea’s Help To Restart Its Defunct Shipyards; Keep Pace With China

USS Beloit prepares for launch

USS Beloit prepares for launch, City of Beloit filled with pride

“This community has had a long history of supporting the military through Fairbanks Morse defense and they make many of the engines that go in Navy ships and they had significant support during World War II, said Sarah Lock, Director of Strategic Communications for the City of Beloit. “For a town of under 37,000 people, to have our name on a Navy ship around the world is incredible.”


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The Foreign Policy of the Russian Revolution


No idea could be more erroneous or harmful than to separate foreign from home policy. The monstrous falsity of this separation becomes even more monstrous in war-time. Yet the bourgeoisie are doing everything possible and impossible to suggest and promote this idea. Popular ignorance of foreign policy is incomparably greater than of home policy. The “secrecy” of diplomatic relations is sacredly observed in the freest of capitalist countries, in the most democratic republics.

The Foreign Policy of the Russian Revolution

South China Sea: InfoOp Podcast (ASEAN)


Clip from Episode 1 of Why Should We Care About the Indo-Pacific? Podcast (Apple Podcasts) with Ray Powell and Jim Carouso

Powell and Carouso worked together at the U.S. Embassy in Canberra, Australia. They’re trying to “shape” the Indo-Pacific for US corporate interests and to provoke a war with China.  

Jim Carouso is currently with the Center for Strategic & International Studies. CSIS is funded by various governments, including the United States, and corporations. Carouso is also with BowerGroupAsia in Singapore. He formerly worked in the State Department and was a chargé d’ affaires at the U.S. Embassy in Canberra and the U.S. Mission to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.

Ray Powell was formerly a Defense Attaché in Canberra, Australia.


The Defense Attaché System is part of the Defense Intelligence Agency.


More on SeaLight’s (formerly Project Myoushu) ‘assertive transparency’ campaign.


SCS: The Office of Naval Research funded Stanford’s GKC

Philippines’ ‘assertive transparency’ strategy is causing them to miss out economically

PH: Compared To China, US Trade, Investment Offers Laughable + More

Agenda of lies: PM slams groups creating false narratives to sabotage Funan Techo Canal project (Cambodia)

Prime Minister Hun Manet has lashed out at anti-government groups which are creating false narratives to sabotage the Funan Techo Canal project.

Agenda of lies: PM slams groups creating false narratives to sabotage Funan Techo Canal project (VIDEO)


US-Funded Radio Free Asia: Cambodia’s canal project would link its coast with the Mekong River

Stimson Center Funding Sources

Viet Ecology Foundation Tax Filings (only one from 2007)

Kim Sok

The Chinese ‘Debt Trap’ Is a Myth

The BRI is Not a Debt Trap!

Venezuela: 5 Strategic Reasons for Nicolás Maduro’s Presidential Candidacy

During his second term as the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro has achieved fundamental milestones to overcome the crises generated by the far-right opposition and the United States. These achievements have led the country towards political, economic, and social stability. They have strengthened his leadership within Chavismo and have positioned him as the natural candidate to represent the Bolivarian Revolution in the presidential election scheduled for July 28 this year.

Venezuela: 5 Strategic Reasons for Nicolás Maduro’s Presidential Candidacy

Philippines’ ‘assertive transparency’ strategy is causing them to miss out economically

The Philippines is going all in with the United States and bracing itself against lost Chinese largesse. President Ferdinand Marcos Jnr will fly to Washington next month to attend the US-Japan-Philippines trilateral leaders’ summit. It will be his fourth visit to the US since taking office as president less than two years ago.

South China Sea: Philippines must softly manage disputes or miss out economically


PH: Compared To China, US Trade, Investment Offers Laughable + More

SCS: The Office of Naval Research funded Stanford’s GKC